I open my mouth and close it again. He had me there.

"I-I guess not...but let's say I did come through a portal how would anyone even know how to open it."

"That's what I'm wondering to, I suppose it's possible she lasted long enough to share her craft but this all happened almost 400 years ago. Maybe someone on you planet did their studying and stumbled across something real. If the portal was never really closed it might just take a nudge to open it."

My brain is starting to hurt trying to think about all of this.

He smiled, "You're taking all this very well."

"I haven't decided if I'm in a coma or not yet." I needed more answers.

I didn't know what to say to him.

You can't fake certain things and the placement of the constellations and planets was definitely one of them. I didn't feel like I was in a coma, I could still feel pain and this was all to real to be a dream. Which meant, what he was telling me could be true.

"I think I believe you."

He kept my eye contact,

"I wouldn't lie to little one, know that."

Being with him feels safe for the first time in my life. A part of me wants to believe that this was meant to be, me finding him, someone who could care for me, at least a little. I'd never had that before it made me feel a little giddy. I want one good thing to come out of all the crazy that's happened to me these past few days.

I tear my eyes aways from his, taking a deep breath. I was going down a dangerous path, I have to keep myself in check.

He was only being a good person, I need to go home before I get anymore attached, because I definitely would.



"Do you know how I can get back home?"

Her voice has a soft lilt to it, entrancing me.

My fur side bristles at the thought of her leaving and if I'm honest so do I, I just don't understand why. Yes she's beautiful, but there are many beautiful women out there.

But, a voice in my head whispers, none like her. Shaking my head I answer her truthfully,

"Until you came here Thea I didn't even think someone could reopen the portal."

"So I have no way of getting home..."

Her sentence trails off and I can hear the change in her voice, it's no longer soft but scared, unsure.

I feel sick knowing she's freightened. I'm surprised she hasn't gone into shock earlier if I'm being honest.

I sigh, taking her in. Her red hair is full, laying in tiny curls that reach her waist, her big eyes are trying to appear calm but I'm a wolf I can smell her fear.

"There's something else I have to tell you Thea.." I say remembering the Nightshade men.

She looks at me petrified, her plump bottom lip quivering,

"There are men coming here and I'm decently positive they're coming for you."

Her amber eyes look up at me filled with fear, she wraps her small hands around mine instinctively, like she knows I'll keep her safe.

"What are you talking about? You won't let them hurt me right? Why would they be here for me it makes no sense I-"

I cut her off resting my hand on her soft cheek,

"Thea breath, they're probably here to see why the portal opened. Like I said it's been nearly 400 years since it made a peep, it makes sense they'd want to know what happened."

"But who would send them, how would they even know I was here." She was still so frightened.

"They work for a royal family, The Nightshades are the rulers of this land. I'm assuming they have systems in place that can register the portals openings."

My hands are resting on her cheek, thumbs brushing against her skin. She leans into my palm, I don't think she even notices she's doing it.

"You will keep me safe right?" Her big eyes beg me to say yes, it makes my pride swell that she turns to me for protection.

"You have nothing to fear little one I'll rip them apart before I let them hurt a hair on your head."

That may have been a little too vicious to be considered comforting but her eyes lose some of their fear, and she smiles, she really was after my heart smiling like that after I make threats to rip men apart for her.

"Let's rest for tonight you've had enough information thrown at you."

Getting up I pick her up bridal style. She lets out a small squeak, surprised, and wraps her arms around my shoulders. Placing her at the top of the bed I wrap one of the blankets around her, she needs to stay warm.

"Sleep now little one, I'll answer any questions you have in the morning."

I'm trying to speak softly to comfort her.

Turning to walk away she grabs my hand stopping me,

"W-where will you sleep?" She stutters sweetly.

"I'll be fine, you worry about you."

Shaking her head she scoots over,

"I don't mind sharing with you- just to sleep!" She adds hastily.

I can't help it, I laugh loudly at her innocence. It's been so long since I was around something so soft, it keeps throwing me for a loop.

Not one to resist a beautiful girl, I thank her than lay down, making sure not to touch. After a moment she turns onto her side and whispers softly,

"Goodnight Zev."

"Goodnight Thea."

I whisper back and for once it is.


What are your thoughts so far guys? Let me know I appreciate every view so thank you even though there's only a handful! 🌼😘

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