chapter 1: Glynda's Basics

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Glynda:" Welcome to Glynda's Basics! Thaaaats meeeee!"

Said glynda as she was excited to be teaching this new class, Her victim's are Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Pyrrha, Nora, Blake, cardin and Y/n

Ruby:" What will you be teaching Glynda?"

Glynda:" That's Ms. Goodwitch to you Ms Rose"

Ruby:" S-sorry"

Y/n:" What's this class gonna be about?"

Glynda:"Math Sweetheart~"

Y/n:" sweetheart?"

Glynda:" Anyway, we are going to start with Basic addition, than we are moving to Subtraction Yay!"

Cardin:" This class is Dumb, your Dumb! I'm dumb!"

Glynda:" Can I see you outside Cardin?"

Cardin:" Why"

Glynda:" I want to talk to you about manners "

Cardin:" o-okay....."

Cardin walked outside and Glynda soon followed and smiled at everyone in the class

Glynda:" I'll be back in few short minutes"

She left the class room as everyone started to have conversations with each other

Y/n:" what do you think will happen?"

Ozpin:" Detention"

Everyone looked around before seeing Ozpin at the door and he smiled before slowly closing the door, meanwhile Glynda went towards the Closet with Cardin

Cardin:" Why are we in here Miss..."

Glynda closed the door and smirked before stabbing him and ripped his guts out everywhere he fell to the ground and she quickly cleaned the blood off her clothing and walked back to her class room

She walked by Ozpin and he smiled as she smiled back at him and she opened her class and seen Ruby siting next to Y/n while having her head on his shoulder

Y/n:" Where's Cardin?"

Glynda:" Detention anyway, Let's start with Question 1, what is 4 + 6"

Ruby:" 10"

Glynda:" Good job! What's 4 + 1000"

Pyrrha:" 1004?"

Glynda:" Correct! Wow you guys are smart! What's 1000 + 200 + 500+ 1000"

Y/n:" 2700"

Glynda:" Good job Y/n~ here I want you all to take this note book, it will show that you complete your first Test"

Y/n:" Cool!"

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