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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I realize that the last few chapters are short, I know. Which is why I uploaded so many at one time. But no worries, there are longer ones. Just be patient.




When I woke up it was quiet. There was no other sound in the room but Louis's quiet, even, breathing, and his heartbeat. I looked over at the clock. It was 6 AM. I decided to get up and make some tea. I carefully shrugged out of Louis's arms and put on a pot of water and went to wash my face. I slashed the cold water over my face and just listened to the silence. I can't remember the last time it was so quiet. I dumped the tea in the boiling water and turned it down to simmer when I heard something that sounded like a whimper. I listened. And the sound came again. Then Louis called out my name. Quietly at first, then louder and more frantic. I heard him bolt out of bed. I began to walk back to the bed room 

"Victoria?! Victoria where are you?!"

"Louis, I'm right he-ooph." He ran straight into me and threw his arms around my waist. His face disappeared in the crook of my shoulder and he began to cry. I put my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Louis what's wrong? Louis?" I murmured. "Talk to me, what it is?"

"I had a..a nightmare then I woke up at you weren't there and..and I was afraid that...that it was true." He took ragged breaths every few words, tears flowing down his face.

Honestly I was a little blind sided. This poor boy was crying on my shoulder because he thought something awful had happened to me. It touched me that he cared that much even though we've only known each other for a short time, but I was upset because he was.  I continued to run my fingers through his hair. 

"Well I'm here, and I'm safe. You don't have to worry anymore okay? I made some tea, why don't we have a cup and then we'll go back to sleep?"

He picked his head up and nodded, tear stains down his face. He walked with me to the kitchen and I poured two cups, added sugar, gave one to him, and we went back to the bed. We didn't talk for a long time. I guess he was a little embarressed that he had cried in front of me. We finished our tea and laid back down. I opened my arms and he came right into them, holding me tightly. I ran my fingers through his beautiful hair, and that he seemed to relax him a little. 

"How can I make it better?" I murmured.

"Sing." His voice cracked.

"What would you like me to sing?" 


I started to sing Coldplay's "Yellow" and as time went on he relaxed, little by little. Eventually he fell back asleep, and I prayed he would sleep peacefully this time. 

Next time I woke up, Louis was gone. I turned over and looked at the clock. 10 AM. I got up and went to the bathroom to find a note on my counter.

"Went to go get coffee and breakfast. Be back soon. -Lou."

Well that was sweet. I turned the water on in the shower and stripped down, getting the water as hot as I could take it. I washed and conditioned my hair, bathed, and shaved. And when I was done, I just stood there, appreciating the hot water and the ease of tension in my stiff back. 

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