Broken Melody

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'Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life'

as i stand there, i realise what that quote means. i lived by that quote my whole life but never realized what it actually meant.

It comes to my realization that he is the one. He loves me for my differences and loves me for who i am, me. I realize that the boy standing in front of me, indeed is the one for me and will be for eternity. He is my love, my life, my other half, my soul mate. its then i realize i have found a lover for life.


"These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder which, as they kiss consume" i quietly whisper along and sigh when i get interrupted by a bring of a phone.

"hello?" i whisper rubbing at my eyes and frown when my hands turn black from my mascara rubbing off.

"holly, get downstairs we have guests!" i am surprised to hear my mums voice through the phone.

"okay mum coming" i laugh and hang up quickly changing into some ripped skinny jeans and a floral top rushing through the hallway jumping down the stairs.

"hey auntie Julie!" i say giving her a hug and shutting the door for her. "hello holly, how have you been?" she says sitting down on the couch. "yeah, i've been fine thanks!" i reply giving her a smile. "honey, would you mind going down the road and getting something for me?" my mum asks sweetly. the thing about my mum, she's never really been the same since the 'accident' so she tries her best to act happy around me but i can tell she's not. my auntie and her are not happy people, a few years back my dad, uncle and older brother were travelling to Australia to see a football game for their favourite team but never landed. their aeroplane had crashed taking all the people's lives on board with it. I still cry to myself about it, my brother and i were very close, we got each other and same with my dad and uncle. it was devastating and tragic, and yet my mum and auntie still act happy. my mum is inspiring because even though shes had troubles with moving on from the accident, she looks after me. she is my inspiration.

i nod and grab my keys walking out the door to  my car. once i hop in the car i put the keys in and drive off to Starbucks.

"hello and welcome to Starbucks, what would you like?" a lady says and i take my order.

A boy orders after me, about my age and we stand together waiting for our orders.

"so, whats you name?" he turns to me and i smile, no boys from here are nice.

"holly, what about you?" "Niall, Niall Horan" he smiles shaking my hand.

we both grab our orders and go to the parking lot. "would you like me to help you?" he smiles and i just nod handing him the coffee's as we pop them in the car. "thanks" i smile getting in the car. "no problem" he laughs and jumps in his car filled with 4 other boys around the same age.

i laugh as i peel out of the parking lot driving back home.when i pull up pat the front of my house i realise that i've seen that boy, i don't know where or how, but i've definitely seen him before.

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