"Jesus Christ." He said groaning and rubbing his face with his hands.

"But he's right, you look hot pregnant." Ally said, biting into the apple in her hand.

"That's so weird you guys."

Merbearsings2017: "you look hot pregnant

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Merbearsings2017: "you look hot pregnant." —Allyssa 2018

Update: I've almost had this stupid silicon on my stomach for 24 hours and I can't imagine how this feels for real. You mothers out there as truly superhuman and I applaud you for it ❣️

Mamaofsix: I still expect grandchildren by December 2019

Mumsince99: or January 2019, ya know which ever 🤷🏼‍♀️ we just want grandkids

Usernames81: M I L F ™️

Merbearsings2017: Jfc Guys, I'm not having a kid in the next two years.

Mamaofsix: Mhm. We'll see 😎

"So...." Ally said once Shawn was out of ear shot. I turned to look at her and lifted an eyebrow. "You're face looks weird, what are you thinking about?"

"Hmm. Oh nothing." I said, turning my head back towards the tv.

"You're thinking about having kids with Shawn aren't you?"

"What? No."

"You sit in a throne of lies."

"Are you calling me a liar?" I asked, looking at her.

"Well I ain't calling you a truther. So what are their names going to be?" She asked.

"I haven't thought about it!"

"Thought about what?" Shawn asked walking back into the room.

"Nothing." I mumbled turning my attention back towards the tv.

"What did you do?" Shawn asked Ally.

"Why do you assume that I did something?" Ally asked, fake hurt in her voice.

"She was in a good mood when I left." Shawn said sitting in the couch beside me. I leaned up against him and crossed my arms.

"She can hear you." I said.

"I thought hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice." Shawn mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that." Ally said throwing a piece of popcorn at Shawn. I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"How exactly is it that I'm the youngest here?" I asked rhetorically.

I stared at the plastic in my hand and smiled as the plus sign appeared. It had been so long since we started trying for a baby with no luck. I immediately took a picture of it and sent it to Shawn who had left two weeks prior for a press tour for his fifth album. My phone started ringing and I answered it, ignoring the tears rolling down my face.

"Is that what I think it is?" Shawn asked excitedly.

"It's exactly what you think it is." I said wiping my eyes.

"We're having a baby?"

"We're having a baby." I repeated.
"Come on Love, one more push and little Mendes will be here." Shawn said allowing me to squeeze his hand as I pushed one more time and soon heard the cries of my baby.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" The nurse asked, handing Shawn the scissors. He took them and cut the umbilical cord, the nurse handing us the, our baby.

"She's beautiful."
I situated the shirt on my daughters body as we waited for her dad to get home from grandmas house. The door closed and she ran to meet him.

"Daddy. Mommy says you haves to looks at my shirt." She said jumping into his arms.

"What does it say." He said moving her in his arms so he could read it. "It's says ''promoted to big sister: coming June 2023.' He smiled as he read her shirt and cane over to hug me.




I groaned and rolled over, with very much difficulty, turning off my alarm. I got up out of the bed and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the baby shower. Today is the last day I have to wear this stupid belly, and if anyone ever repeats this I will deny it. But I'm going to miss the attention I got wearing it. Is that wrong? Oh I don't care at this point.

Merbearsings2017: I may get to take this belly off in a few hours, but you've got a few weeks still

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Merbearsings2017: I may get to take this belly off in a few hours, but you've got a few weeks still. I hope you enjoyed your baby shower and I'm sorry if it sucked. I love you and I can't wait to meet the little fella. Don't tell the others but you're the best older cousin ever ❣️

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And I'm done with this chapter

Florida is next

I wanted to get to the Florida trip before I left for Tennessee which is in five days


God's Plan (formerly fake love) SM Where stories live. Discover now