New Helpers

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Thanks to all who voted my final two votes that I wanted ;) Ya'll rocked so much, I got three votes! :) Loves you guyss!! :D Hope u enjoy this chapter! ;) (hope it's more than two pages. It's 5 pages in my notebook, but they aren't front and back :/ )

Day five. It has been officially five days since the police have given up on finding Avery, and I'm still holding a grudge. 

"Dude," Ryan says to me, "You need to chill-out. It's been almost four months."

"So?" I say, throwing the basketball towards him, "Check me." Ryan tosses the ball back to me, and I shoot for the basket.

"Still," Ryan continues. "Maybe if you take a few days break from finding Avery, you can probably map out her-"

"That's just what she wants!" I yell, cutting Ryan off mid-sentence, "That's what everyone wants! For me to take a break from finding her, for me to foget about the love of my life. To move on.." I slam the basketball down on the court, the boom of it hitting the ground echoing the walls of the gym.

"I'm not giving up." I continue, "Not until she is safe, and sound, and in my arms again. I don't care if I die trying to find her." Ryan stares at me, silenced by my sudden outburst. Frustrated, I leave the gym.

Sliding into my car, I hear my phone ding inside my pocket. I pull it out, and groan. My mom sent me a text message.

I have some news for you. Come home ASAP

My first inital thought as I speed down the street of my old neighborhood was 'She's found her! They have her! She's safe, and waiting for me!'

When I pull into my driveway, my excitment begins to die down. There was a new car in the driveway, but there was nothing that said Avery was here. As I walk up the porch, I thought Mom would have called me if she found Avery...

I walk into the house, and see two unfamiliar strangers sitting on the couch. Mom rises off the arm chair when I appear.

"Justin." she says. "This is Skylar and John." The two stand. "They might have some news about where Avery is."


Seeing Justin Bieber should have sent me screaming. Should have made me jump up off the couch, and tackle him to the ground the minute his foot stepped through that front door.

But this is not Justin Bieber.

Standing infront of the now open front door, stood a dead soul living in a human body. His eyes, usually a bright hazel, was not a dull brown, all emotions drained from them. I could tell my the bags under those dead eyes, he's lost many nights of sleep. He seems to be almost boney, which only says that he's skipped meals.

This was not Justin Bieber.

"Hello." I say weakly. Justin seemed to have not heard me, or if he did, he made no notification of me speaking to him. Instead, his eyes are glued to his mom as she explains why she brought him here, and why John and I are here.

Suddenly, he notices me.

"Where?" he asks quickly, his eyes suddenly hungry for the information we have, "Where is she? Is she okay? Oh's the baby?"

"Calm down." His mom says suddenly, stopping Justin from asking anymore questions. "There's no need to bombard them with numerous questions, Justin. Take a seat." Justin nods, and quickly takes a seat in the arm chair that sat across from me.

"I'm Skylar." I say. "And this is John. We both used to go to school with Avery." I pause to see if Justin was actually listening to me. He nods at me, telling me to continue, and I do. "I don't know if this is where she is, but I remember her giving me this," -I pull out a wad of paper, and hand it to Justin. He takes it out of my hands egerly, and un-wads it. "She told me she's always wanted to live there."

Justin stares at the sheet of paper for a few, long moments, then suddenly looks up at me.

"Are you sure?" he asks. "She wanted to go to Chicago?" I nod my head, and place my hand on John's knee.

"John was there. He remembers." I look at John as he nods his head. Justin stands to his feet, his eyes once again glued to the picture of Chicago.

"We need to get to Chicago." he says to his mom. "Now."

His mom nods her head. "I understand, I'll call the airport and see when the next flight to-"

"No." Justin says quickly, cutting her off. "We need to get there now." He pulls out his phone, dials a number, and exits the room, his phone pressed against his ear. His mom exits the room as well, leaving me and John.

"Well." John says to me. "You finally saw the one-and-only Justin Drew Bieber." I shake my head.

"That was not Justin Drew Bieber." I whisper, worried that Justin could hear us. No need to break down his spirits when he's already so depressed. "That is..." I wasn't able to finish. I couldn't name the type of person Justin has formed into now. "We just need to find Avery. When Justin has her back, he'll come back to reality, and be the actual Justin Bieber everyone knows and loves."

John leans over, and presses his lips against my cheek. "We'll find her." I look over at him, and smile.

"Come on." Justin says, bursting into the room suddenly, a duffle bag in hand. "You two can come with me, if you'd like. I perfer it, you might know where she would want to stay."

I nod, stand to my feet, and take John's hand, intertwining our fingers. Justin heads out of the door, both John and I following close behind.


Seeing John place a kiss on Skylar's cheek instantly breaks my heart to peices, as I imagine me doing that to Avery.

"Come on." I say, suddenly bursting into the room, interupting Skylar's and John's moment, "You two can come with me, if you'd like. I perfer it, you might know where she would want to stay."

Skylar nods at me, and stands to her feet, bringin John up with her. They both follow me out of the door, and into the car parked on the curb, waiting for us.

Once inside, more thoughts of Avery begin to flood into my head as I see Skylar and John holding hands. My heart aches even more, and I quickly turn my attention to the window, away from the two lovers next to me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Skylar looking at me. I was unable to hide the tears that were beginning to brim my eyes, and Skylar wraps her arm across my shoulders.

"We're going to find her." she whispers to me as the car begins to move forward. "I promise." I wipe my tears away with my sleeves as the pain inside my chest begins to dull.

"I know we will."


I've always wanted to be here. In middle school, I faintly remember telling a close friend of mine I wanted to live here for a few years. I even let her keep my best picture of the city the day I moved away, just so she would never forget about me.

But back then, I never did imagine myself in this situation. I didn't want to live here, in Chicago, for the reason I am. I always imagined myself living here, happy, with the man of my dreams.

Sadly, that man is back in Canada, or wherever he is, worrying about me, or worse, hating my guts, and hopefully moving on.

My phone dings as I sit in mile-long traffic. I look at the caller I.D, and my blood runs cold, my stomach turns into nervous circles. I knew who was calling, but do I dare answer? Knowing the consequences of not answering almost convinces me to answer, but also knowing what might happen when I answer also convinces me to not answer.

Sadly, I'm more fearful of what might happen if I were to not answer.

"What do you want Blake?"

I swear, if this chapter is not longer than two pages, I'mma cry.

Finding Her (Sequel To What If)Where stories live. Discover now