Dancing Dragons

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The crowd had no idea what was going on, the dragon was nowhere to be seen and Kakashi was standing completely still, looking around the arena with his red eye. They saw him once again form a series of hand seals, a bright cluster of lightning lay chirping in the palm of his hand.

"Chidori!" He yelled while pushing off of the ground into the air, hitting an invisible force. Blood pored out of where his hand was, the dragon once again comming into view. They watched as the majestic creature fell to the ground with a large crash. The force of the impact causing everyone to jump a few inches.

The dragon lay still... unmoving... dead. Kakashi ripped his hand out of the belly of the large beast, blood squirting out of the wound like an punctured artery. He walked over to the golden egg, picking it up. The crowd of students, staff and guests cheers erupted throughout the stadium. Kakashi could hear Gai cheering about youth in Japanese.

Not wanting to have to deal with the charismatic Jounin, he quickly made his way back to the Champions Tent, being greeted by an equally ecstatic Harry Potter.

"You finished the task in less than 10 minutes! Did you even kill your dragon?" Harry asked shocked, looking at the golden egg in the silver haired boys arms.

"Of course I killed it." Kakashi stated, attempting to whipe the blood off his hand onto his pants. The sensation of blood on his fingertips reminding him of Rin. He quickly pushed the unpleasant thought out of his head when the other Champions walked over to say similar comments.

"How on earth did you defeat it so quickly. You probably broke like a dozen records!" Cedric said in shock. Krum was nodding his in agreement, however with a look of disgust clear in his features. There goes to not making enemies, Kakashi thought to himself. He could see the look of jealousy and hatred on the boys face. The look went away for a second upon seeing a strangely green clad young man embrace Kakashi, squeezing the air out of the poor boys lungs.

"KAKASHI! The springtime of your youth never falters my rival! You defeated the Kagamiryū with great speed and accuracy. I shall train every day to be worthy to challenge you!" Gai shouted in Japanese, spinning Kakashi around in his arms. Harry felt sorry for the ANBU, but was surprised that he hadn't retaliated against the grip of the other teen... unless he was unable to break from the hold. Kakashi saw Azuma enter the tent, smirking at his obvious discomfort, a cigarette bit between his teeth.

"Guy, can you put me down now?" Kakashi asked in a board tone.

"Oh, sorry Kakashi." Gai said as he released the younger Jounin. Harry noticed bruises already appearing on his pale arms, surprised by the other males obvious strength. (Just how powerful were these Shinobi!?)

Harry didn't know what to think of the new arrivals, one was grotesquely dressed in a deep green body suit, his lean muscles prominent through the material. The other male seemed a little older than Kakashi, he was much larger in height and mass. But what caught Harry off guard was the fact that the probably 16 year old was smoking a cigarette.

"Harry, this is Might Gai and Sarutobi Azuma." Kakashi introduced, gesturing towards each male. Harry assumed that Azuma was probably the Hokage's son, given the same name and physical similarities.

"Hello." Harry said "So, how do you know Kakashi?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"We were in the Acadamy together and have been on the same team a couple of times." Azuma answered. "Also the fact that we grew up in the same Villiage, which is a pretty tightly knit society."

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