Jewel's of knowledge from jewel1307!

Start from the beginning

Try: ‘Callie staggered out of Matt’s bar, stumbling across the uneven cobblestones, the rain slicking her hair to her face in ribbons of gold. She huddled under the light jacket in the relative shelter of the bus stop as she waited for her cab to arrive. Approaching headlights had her squinting against the glare as the car careened around the corner and through a puddle, soaking her from head to toe. She gasped and her cornflower eyes widened in shock at the unexpected cold shower.’ This tells you the same thing only it’s more descriptive and interesting.

The opening paragraph is what will determine whether a reader will continue to read your story or move on to another one.

There are some excellent guides in the ‘Improve Your Writing club’ If you’re serious about writing then do your homework and EDIT as you write each chapter. Edit, and edit again. Trying to edit 46 chapters when you’ve finished the story is a nightmare, trust me. Microsoft word has a basic spelling / grammar checker and thesaurus if needed. Please use them.

Take on board any criticism readers’ offer, they’ve just spent their time to read and comment on your story. Thank them because they’re trying to help you improve.

 Question 6. What are your favourite Genres?

Reading - Fantasy and sci-fi 

Writing – Fantasy

Question 7. Any advice to beginner writers trying to get their work read? What do I know about getting my stories read; I swear I just got lucky!

From my own experience of my time on here I’d have to say be active on wattpad. This means genuinely reading and commenting on peoples stories. I read significantly more than I write. Surf / troll the clubs and make your presence known, but don’t be a pest. Don’t expect to be popular overnight. Write for your own enjoyment first and foremost.

Question 8. You must have a few favourite writers on wattpad, let’s see who they are...I couldn’t possibly put the names down because I know I’ll forget someone, but I’m fan of certain people for a reason. My library is full of awesome stories. I guess we will have to go and check out your library. 

 Question 9. What is the hardest part you find about writing? If I’m completely honest, I write purely because I love to share the nonsense that occupies my brain. There is no hardship because I don’t plan on making a career out of writing so there’s no pressure to perform on time or to produce perfection with every word. I have fun… if I didn’t I wouldn’t do it.

 Question 10. Do you think it is best to focus on one book at a time? Or work on multiple stories? Personally, I can only write one at a time. Trying to focus on more than one is too confusing for me and I get half way through a chapter only to find myself using the wrong character names or inserting plot ideas from the other. 

 Question 11. Any tips for people interested in entering Wattpad competitions? Competitions are a fun way to get your name around but that’s what it has to be, fun and a bit of banter with your competitors. There are a fair few around the genre clubs and it’s a matter of finding one that suits you. What do you have to lose by entering? Nothing. 

Question 12. Challenge Question - Write a 200 word First encounter between two love struck people. I’ll continue what I started earlier then… Callie staggered out of Matt’s bar, stumbling across the uneven cobblestones, the rain slicking her hair to her face in ribbons of gold. She huddled under the light jacket in the relative shelter of the bus stop as she waited for her cab to arrive. Approaching headlights had her squinting against the glare as the car careened around the corner and through a puddle, soaking her from head to toe. She gasped and her cornflower eyes widened in shock at the unexpected cold shower.

“Asshole!” she yelled at the retreating taillights as she swept the excess gutter muck from her face.

 Masculine laughter coming from the shadows of the adjacent alley drew her attention. Fear spiked causing her heart to skip a beat, everyone knows that nothing good lurks in the shadows. He stepped out into the glow cast by the streetlights, pulling up his zipper and adjusting his jacket.

“What’s a pretty lady like you doing out here all alone at this time of night?” he asked as he crossed toward her.

Alcohol induced bravado made her stand her ground, “Waiting for a cab, obviously.”

He brushed off the wooden bench and sat down, patting the space beside him, “Sit.” He instructed, “Mine’s due in minute you can take it on condition you give me your phone number.”

I knew you would pull this off. 

Take a look at jewel1307's books now! 

Callie - An Enchantress Novel Book 1 - There hasn't been one like her for 1500 years. For Callie it's survival. For everyone else it's love at first bite. Callie is accidentally stabbed and turned into something she thought was myth and a figment of an overactive imagination. Join her in her fight to save her new soul mate and the new society she has become part of from demons and a master vampire intent on controling her. With a little help from a few witches, shape shifters and a bit of luck can she actually get a little normality in her 'un-life'? Everybody loves her. They just can't help themselves. A dark beginning leads into a new twist on the vampire genre. This is not a romance but a young girls survival.

Shadows Of Swordplay - Kayla and her best friend Connor arrive late to game practice to find carnage awaiting them. The last gasped mutterings of Master Ayden incrimate them in the vile massacre of their commrades. Can they uncover the real killers before the death squadron find them.

Fairies, Leprechauns, ogres, and adventure abound.

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