*29* Rude - Magic!

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"Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?

Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know

You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die

Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don't you know I'm human too?

Why you gotta be so rude?

I'm gonna marry her anyway."

"Sit," my dad commanded, pointing to the couch.

Jack and I nearly ran to the couch and sat down. We were careful not to sit too close, considering it might make my parents even more upset.

"Explain yourselves. Now," my dad growled.

Jack pulled his Ray-bans off from eyes and set them down. I could see the surprise in my mom's face. She obviously recognized him from the hospital. See, Mom? He's not a bad guy. But still, my mom did nothing to defend us.

"Well," I said, trying to put the words together, "I had already told you that I was going to the Kings and Wild game last night-"

"That I brought her to," Jack added, "and nothing bad happened there, I can assure you, sir."

"Oh Dad, you should've seen the win!" I exclaimed, trying to soften him up a bit, "Parise scored the winning goal in the shootout, a perfect toe drag and deke to his forehand and everything, right passed the tip of the glove, a perfect water bottle shot-"

"Don't change the subject Camara," my dad barked sternly, "what I and the rest of the family would like to know is why you didn't come home last night."

"Dad, you of anyone should know that if a game goes to a shootout that's like another hour of play. The game was long as it was. When we got back to Jack's house so I could get my car, it was like 12:30. We just figured I could stay the night. I don't think we did anything wrong-"

"That's enough, Camara," my dad interrupted me, "you know very well what you did wrong. I thought we raised you better."

He then turned to Jack, who turned slightly paler and sat up straighter on the couch.

"Now," my dad said, "Jack, is it?"

Jack stood up, "Jack Brankov, Mr. Hawkins," he held out his hand which my dad just scowled at. Jack sat down slowly, the fear showing on his face.

"I would like to know why you decided to seduce my daughter into a intimate relation situation last night," my dad said calmly.


"Why did you have sex with her?" my dad said, still calmly, which is never a good sign.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, "I already told you! We didn't-"

"No," my dad interrupted me again, "I want Jack's answer."

Jack told a deep breath and gave me a nervous look, "Sir. I can promise you that I would never do something like that to your daughter considering how short the time we've been together."

"Of course you would, because that's how players like you work!" my dad was yelling now.

"Dad!" I tried to say, "He's not-"

"Yes, he is!" my dad yelled, "You are just using my daughter as one of your sex toys, aren't you?!"

"I swear, I would never do that," Jack said, still somehow staying calm.

"I know you would!" my dad screamed, "you're using my weak-willed daughter for your horny teenager needs!"

Okay, that hurt. Coming from my own father. Weak-willed? Great. Glad to know you love me, Dad. I could feel the tears gathering in my eyes.

Jack took one look at me and lost it.


My dad took a step back, shocked, then went back to being angry. But this time, a quiet kind of angry.

"Get out of my house," he said, clenching his fists, "I never want to see you again. Don't ever take my daughter out again. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't think about her."

"But Dad!" I sobbed.

"That's enough!" my dad exclaimed, "Camara, go up to your room. Jack, get out and never come back."

As Jack was stepping out the door, he gave me one last defeated look. Then my dad shoved him out the door.

I sprinted upstairs and slammed the door, locking it behind me. Then I pulled out my phone and texted Jack.

C: What just happened??

J: Idk at all but we aren't over

C: That's what I was hoping :)

J: Until we figure this out I think we're pretty stuck

C: No way idc what my dad says we're still gonna see each other

J: U sure? I don't wanna make him madder...

C: We just can't get caught for now ;)

J: Sounds pretty good to me ;) I'm gonna get some food, I'll text ya later.

C: K :) xx

I turned off my phone and flopped back onto my bed. We'll figure this out. I'm sure we will.

Then I heard a knock on my door and, "Hey Cam? It's Kalli, can I come in?"

I sighed and unlocked the door. She stepped in and shut the door behind her.

Sitting back down, she sat across from me and said, "He's cute. And he cares about you a lot."

"I know!" I exclaimed, "Then why do you and Mom and Dad hate him so much?"

"Personally, I think you guys are really cute together," she replied, "and I'm pretty sure Mom thinks so too. She's just confused on how to think about this. And Dad's a whole other story."

I just groaned and rolled over. Kalli said no more, she just left. Leaving my door wide open, might I add.

I reluctantly got up to shut the door, and I could hear my parents' muffled conversation from downstairs. When I heard my name, I silently got closer to hear better, clinging to the railing of the stairs.

"He seems like a perfectly fine young man," my mom said. Yeah, go Mom!

"I do not trust him with Camara one bit," my dad argued back.

My mom was silent for a second, then said, "He reminds me of someone. Do you want to know who he reminds me of?"

"Chris Pine?"

"No!" my mom replied, "Well, the huge eyebrows, yes, but no. He reminds me of you."

"I know," my dad said, "I wouldn't trust my younger self with Camara. That's why I don't trust him."



Sorry the chapter order is all messed up, I don't really know how that happened.

Love ya!

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