The Final Test

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            It was the best sleep I had had sense I arrived at Grandmama’s mansion. No weird confusing dreams, no strange interruptions, nothing! It was just a normal, wonderful sleep. And I knew the moment I opened my eyes I would see Alexandre’s beautiful face, most likely staring right back at me. Even for just that one moment, the anticipation to open my eyes was intense, because I knew that my happiness at that moment would be even higher than I thought possible once I opened my eyes.  

            But as I opened my eyes, there was just an empty bed in front of me. No beautiful face, no Alexandre. I was slightly annoyed (partly just because I wanted the eye-candy), but I was mostly confused. Why did he always just disappear? The blanket wasn’t disturbed on his side, and there was so imprint as if nobody had been on that part of the bed in a long time.

            My bare skin cold after leaving the blanket’s warmth, I walked over and put on the clothes that Alexandre must have taken off the floor and folded up since I left them on the floor yesterday. I expected the clothes to be warm, or at least I hoped they were to warm me up, but they were cold, making me even colder. But the coldness wasn’t that important to me. With what I’d been through, being cold was nothing. Walking down the stairs and out the room, I started to search the mansion for Alexandre.

I started by checking the backyard, but as far as I could see (which didn’t cover the entire area), he wasn’t there. The sun was just rising over horizon filling the immortal sky with shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple, all blending together into what could have been a million dollar painting.

Next was the servant dining room. I didn’t really expect to find him, considering it was the servant dining room, but I wanted to be thorough. The room was dark, and the wooden table and chairs looked just as old as before. It was strange to think that not too long ago, I was sitting in here, next to Lance, eating that awful breakfast. I had no idea I’d wish to be back in that moment with Lance…

No, I don’t. I have Alexandre. He is all I ever wanted. He is all I need. I don’t need Lance. Or do I?

I past threw the swinging doors at the back of the room and into the kitchen, which had to be the most modern room in the house. It was fun to imagine I still thought that Grandma was super mean, without knowing anything else. I would’ve had thought about how she had to have her food as good as humanly possible, so she paid for the equipment, but probably didn’t let the servant’s use any of the technology for their own food.  

I looked around the kitchen, but just as I expected, no sign of Alexandre. I didn’t expect to find him in the kitchen either, although it seemed more likely than the servant hall.

 Finally, I went into grandmama’s dining hall. Still no sign of him. I could see the fight we had plat out in my head, realizing how pathetic I must have looked. Beaten by an old woman in a fight. I sort of wondered what it looked like during the last ball that happen, where Amelia met Kaden. It seemed so romantic. The story didn’t end well, but still, the ball seemed so wonderful. Maybe Lance and I can have a ball someday.

I knew Alexandre was in the basement, but I really hoped he wasn’t. The basement still scared me shitless. So, just to be sure, I checked the parlor room, which still showed no sign of Alexandre. I wonder if the furniture is the same as it was back when Amelia was here. It seemed the same as how she described it. I left the parlor and finally, I entered the basement and began to descend the stairs cautiously, one step at a time.

I could hear shuffling and movement, and I soon began to see Alexandre standing at a counter against the back wall, next to the test tubes with the mutated children and people. I still couldn’t stand looking at them. Just looking at their deformities, and yet all of their eyes seemed perfectly aimed at the stairs, making it seem as if they were watching you when you entered. Maybe they all died slowly, staring to the stairs, hoping someone would come and save them. Or maybe Alexandre put them that way to fend off intruders. Maybe that was their purpose.

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