Chapter 1: Coming Home

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Annabelle's P.O.V.
I smiled as I walked through the Institute doors, breathing a sigh of relief. I was home. I had been caught in meetings in Idris for several months now, and I had really missed New York. My smile grew when I saw my brother and my parabatai standing at a monitor nearby, conferring with a short redhead I could only assume to be Clary Fairchild.
"Honey, I'm home!" I sing-songed as I made my way over to them. Immediately, they turned around, and Jace's face lit up when he saw me.
"Bells!" he practically screamed at me, opening his arms to hug me.
"Jacie!" I screamed back, running into his arms and squealing as he picked me up and spun around. As we hugged, I heard Clary and Izzy talking in the background.
"She's all over Jace." I heard Clary mutter.
"Yeah, they're always like this, even when they've only been apart for a day or two. They've been like this for as long as I can remember."
"Really," was all Clary had to say in reply.
Jace and I were done hugging now, and I turned to Izzy, whose smile matched mine.
"Anz!" She greeted me. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, Iz." I replied, hugging her too. "Remind me to suggest 'being separated from your parabatai' to the Clave as a form of torture."
"Parabatai?" Clary asked, looking at Izzy. I finally turned to her. I smiled, knowing she was jealous of the way Jace and I had greeted each other, and of the way he was still standing beside me, resting his arm on my shoulder. I laughed to myself, knowing she had nothing to worry about.
"And you must be the famous Clary Fairchild. I'm Annabelle." I smiled, reaching out to shake her hand. She took it hesitantly, furrowing her brow in confusion.
"Famous?" she asked.
"Or infamous, depending on who you're talking to. Definitely infamous if you're talking to the Clave. But if you're talking to my brother..." I said, looking at Jace.
"Brother?" She cut me off. I turned to Jace, faking offense.
"You mean you didn't tell her about your wonderful, amazing, brilliant older sister?" I questioned, placing my hand over my heart. Jace just shrugged, although I could tell he was hiding a smile.
"It didn't come up."
"It's okay little bro. I know it was just because you missed me so much that talking about my absence only made it hurt worse, right?" I joked. He finally laughed.
"Yeah, sure, we'll go with that." He shook his head.
"Hey, you guys want to help me surprise Alec?" I asked mischievously. Jace and Izzy answered at the same time.
"Heck, yeah."
"Of course. My brother needs to smile."
Jace laughed again. "Yeah, he's been pouting worse than me since you left, and that's saying something."
Clary frowned. "Surprise Alec?" She questioned. "I don't know, Alec doesn't seem to be the type that likes surprises."
"Oh, he'll like this one, trust me. Besides he should be coming to check on the portal activity right about now." I replied. Sure enough, Alec appeared in the doorway. I grinned at them one last time before stepping around the monitor behind us, Jace and Izzy moving to cover me further.
"Just follow our lead." I heard my brother whisper to Clary, while Izzy pretended to show them something on one of the tablets as Alec made his way towards them.
"Hey, guys. There was some weird portal activity outside earlier, have you seen anything?"
"Yeah, about that..." Izzy started hesitantly.
"The envoy from the Clave is here." Jace finished.
"What, already? Mom said it was going to be a few more days, she said they hadn't even picked someone yet." He said, and I felt a little guilty about the stress in his voice.
"Well, she just arrived." Clary said, and I could imagine the glare that earned her from Alec. Jace told me they didn't like each other very much.
"Well, where is she? I should go make a good first impression." I took this as my cue.
"Relax, I'm right here. And don't worry, that ship sailed a long time ago." I said as I walked around the monitor. Alec's face lit up when he saw me.
"Annie!" He exclaimed, rushing to hug me.
"Hey, Alec. Long time no see." I laughed as he hugged me.
"Did Alec Lightwood just smile and hug someone?" I heard Clary ask.
"Don't get used to it, it pretty much only happens for Annabelle." Izzy replied.
"Shut up Izzy." Alec said as he detached himself from me. I almost wished he hadn't. He turned back to look at me. "So, what are you doing back so soon? I thought there were another couple of months before the Clave would let you come home." He questioned.
"There was, but after Maryse and Robert left, some of our allies convinced the Clave that since everything that happened here transpired in my absence, I should be given the chance to come home and try to get the Institute under control, before they send an envoy. So basically, you should thank your lucky stars for me, because it's only because of my stellar reputation that the Institute isn't in someone else's hands entirely. Also, if I fail, the Clave will still send an envoy. Which means no more unsanctioned missions." I explained, directing my last comment towards Jace, who put his hands up.
"Why are you looking at me?" He questioned innocently.
"You know exactly why." I put my big sister voice on. "Can you just lay low for awhile, please?"
"I'll try."
I sighed in defeat. "That's the best I'm gonna get, isn't it?"
He kissed my forehead. "You know me so well, sis."
Alec was still smiling. "Let's just go tell Mom the good news, yeah?" He asked, dragging me off to find Maryse.

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