DecOmi - Truth

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Requested by clementine103


Naomi was sitting in the library reading a book. Declan entered and took the seat in front of her.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

"Three Musketeers." She replied. "The classic, I see..." Declan grinned.

Naomi let out a hearty laugh. Declan looked at her and got lost in her beautiful bright eyes. He felt something. Something he has never felt before. It was as if butterflies were fluttering in his stomach. He has felt this feeling for the past month, yet he still hasn't figured out what it was.

Naomi's smile faded as she realized that declan spaced off and said "Declan? You fine?"

Declan snapped out of his trance and stuttered "U-uh, yeah... I-I've gotta go."

Declan quickly stood up and exited the library not noticing Bennett and Jordan who just came in.

"Hi, Dec-" Jordan said, cut off by Declan storming out. Jordan look dumbfounded. He turned to Bennett. "Did he just ignored me?" Jordan asked. Bennett just shook his head.

Declan ran all the way back home. He instantly went to his room and put his head on his hand.

What is wrong with me? He thought. Is this what they call like? No. Love? It feels like butterflies exploded inside me. Like fireworks popped in my stomach.

I don't know what it is... But, I'll figure it out... Declan thought to himself. He laid on his bed all night, trying to sleep. But failing, nonetheless.

-a few days later-

Let's just say these past few days Declan wasn't being himself. He ate less, slept less, worked out less. He always space off and he avoided Naomi at all costs.

Naomi was getting concerned. She was worried about Declan. Because, what he doesn't know that she does, is that Naomi was very much so in love with Declan himself.

She was so good at hiding her emotions. She even managed to not show any emotions when Declan avoided her.

Was she hurt? Yes. Yes, she was hurt. Heartbroken actually. She has been asking herself 'what did I do wrong?'. Well now that's going to end. She's going to confront Declan and get everything straight.

After school, she went straight to Declan's house. She knocked on Declan's room.

"Declan?" She called out.

No answer.

"I'm coming in, D!" She said.

"Wait! Wait! I'm shirtless." Declan finally replied.

"Nothing I haven't seen before..." She muttered under her breath.

She entered his room. She saw Declan hunched on his bed. She scurried there in concern.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Declan looked up. His eyes were bloodshot. "I'm sorry." He croaked out.

"I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you." He said.

"Why?" Naomi asked.

"I can't. I-I can't te-tell you." Declan replied.

"Please, tell me the truth." She plead.

"Yo-you will hat-hate me.." He breathed out.

Naomi shook her head. "I will never. Please, D..." She said again.

"Naomi, I think- No. I know that I like you. I'm just too scared to tell you." He finally said.

Naomi looked at him and pursed her lips. She started laughing. Declan looked at her and tilted his head in confusion.

"Idiot, I like you too..." Naomi said.

She leaned in and kissed him softly. He kissed back. The kiss lasted for 5 minutes until they pulled away. Breathless.

"Cuddles and Disney?" Declan asked.

"Hell yeah." Naomi replied with a grin.

They cuddled on Declan's bed all night watching disney movies and eating popcorn. And every 5 minutes he would kiss Naomi's temple and whisper "I'm so lucky to have you"



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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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