Declan x Reader - Tears

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You just went home from school and you're really eager to meet your boyfriend. You tell your brother to drive you to a few buildings away from the base.

You entered the base, flawlessly dodging the dart. Entering the main room, you saw 3 people circling a body on the couch.

You walked there in concern, the person seemed to be hurt. You saw your boyfriend passed out on the couch.

Blood. Blood was everywhere running from a bullet wound on his shoulder. You gasped in surprise.

You turned to Bennett and asked "What happened?"

"He was shot, that happened." He said bitterly.

"Let me take care of him. I volunteered in the red cross last year." You insisted

Bennett reluctantly lets go of the first aid kit and gave it to you. The boys and Naomi backed away, giving you some space. You started working on his wound.

After 4 hours of working hard, you finally finished. The wound was pretty deep, so you have to stitch it up. Suddenly, Declan shot awake.

"(Y/n)? What happened?" He asked frantically looking around.

"Easy there... You were shot. I just finished fixing you up." You said, biting your lips trying to not cry.

"Oh." He breathed out.

"What were you thinking?! I thought I was gonna lose you!" You said, finally bursting into tears.

He pulled you closer to his broad chest  as he rubbed circles on your back, saying things like 'it's alright' or 'I'm fine now'.

You looked up to his face, tears streaming down your face. He looked at you and asked "What could I do to make up for this?"

You shrugged. He gave you a small smile as he leaned in and softly kissed you.

"Am I forgiven now?" Declan asked.

You nodded. He chuckled lowly and put his huge hands on your cheek wiping away your tears.

"Stop crying now, will you?" He said.

You nodded again and cuddled with him for the rest of the night.



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