Born To Be Blue

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lowercase intended

everyone is born seeing only a certain color. the colors divide us to groups and are said to describe us.

there are certain stereotypes which somehow describe us. reds are said to be passionate and sporty, greens are lucky and love being around nature, yellows are a ball of sunshine and happiness, purples are royalty and rich and so on and so forth.

then there's us, the blues, we're mostly the group that others look down on. we're associated with sadness and negativity that sometimes we're forced to stay out of some cities because of the stereotype.

although there are people who get discriminated for not acting-or behaving- like their color, it's mostly us. some get verbally attacked just for saying something positive. it's hard being a blue, but i guess we'll survive.

but, blue could be associated with the beautiful sky, sea or the rain and many more. it's sad others can't see the beauty in blue, the beauty in us.

but, once you find your soulmate, your other half, your eyes open to all the colors and they say everything is beautiful. the red of roses, the green of nature, the yellow of sunflowers and many more.

it's all something we can only imagine- or at least try to- as we wait, imagining how pretty the colors seem, how they replace the dull black and whites that hide the other colors.

it's all a mystery, something people want to experience.

but again, no one- generally- likes us blues. it's harder for us to find our soulmates as others try to stay away from us. i can't help but wonder about the reason why people hate us so much, it's just a stereotype, we're beautiful in our own way.

sometimes, i can't help but think that they're the ones who made us this. because of them, maybe they're why we're sad and negative, because they look down on us.

When I met you
The world was bright and sunny
But when you left the courtain fell
I'd like to laugh
But there's nothing that strikes me funny
Now my world's a faded pastel
-Born To Be Blue

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