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Me and dean got close after spending a week together, Miso went on a small tour to Japan with Tablo and offonoff for a week so I've spent most of my time with dean.

"You should switch your record label to mine universal records treat their artists nice" I considered the idea I'd get to stay in Korea longer my career got a boost lately because people complimented my voice in deans new song we wrote together, "if I do.." deans eyes glistened and said "if you do I'll help you finish the rest of you album!" He said smiling like a kid making me laugh "okay I'll switch". My record label was okay with switching me because I didn't resign my contract before going to korea.

Dean took me to his apartment because I told him I was bored all alone at Miso's, me and dean drank a little bit "you can hold your alcohol good" he said while we took another shot "I haven't drank in awhile so this feels relaxing" I said giggling because I had a buzz "aye but you do know-" I was cut off by deans lips on mine he pulled away and said
"I haven't felt this way for someone in awhile" making me smile "...y/n I like you" he said softly
"I feel the same about you" I said smiling as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

Dean FFsWhere stories live. Discover now