Morning came, the room was noisy as the door got knocked on. A figure sat on the bed,hugging her knees. The room was pitch black,almost.
“Jjeuwi! Open the door!”
Jihyo knocked from the outside, the girls were looking worried. Tzuyu's been like this almost seven months after... That happened.
“She can't let go.” Momo frowned as tears brimmed her eyes, Mina hugged her as tears streamed down.
“Despite her fasçade, she did love her wholely.” Nayeon said,“It's what held her back.”
Tzuyu sobbed unto the jacket she was holding, her heart aches, she wanted her to be right beside her. She's been like this half a year. It wasn't good, it wasn't healthy. Her heart clenched shooting excruciating pain, she smiled as tears flowed more.
“I love you.” She whispered.
Soon the door opened,Tzuyu left the room. She was a mess, she wasn't like this. It hurts for the girls seeing their maknae so broken.
“I'm fine, Unnie. I'll be going out.”
With that,Tzuyu got a coat and left the dorm. Nayeon bit her lip and got hugged by Momo, Jungyeon looked down and the rest looked at a picture hanged at the wall.
“Sana-yah.. You're not happy with this.. Aren't you?” Jihyo said as she cried.
Every single day ,there wasn't a tear to be shed as the day pass by. The loss of a friend,sister and lover was gone, everyday they mourn and grieve. Why? Why her? They prayed to bring her back,they'll do anything for her to be back but they know. It was impossible to bring someone who passed away back to life.

You're all that I need | SaTzu | Complete
FanfictionThey have been together for three years, they loved each other so much. But then fate was being playful and pulled something out of it's sleeves. Sana Minatozaki and Chou Tzuyu, they were loved by everyone. They were admired. Always been praised. ...