Chapter 24

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Dedicated to mybeammy

The  cutleries was the only sound  existing on the dining table at the Hale house. No one bothered to make any conversations at all since Bry and Jerry were not on speaking terms. Barbara couldn't help but wonder what was going on between the two.

They hadn't spoken for a whole week and she was starting to lose her patience with them.

"I've got to go study. Goodnight mom," Brymie excused herself.

"I have an early morning tomorrow so.." Jerry started getting up from his chair but Barbara told him to sit.

"Same goes for you young lady,"
Bry just sighed then sat, her eyes avoiding Jerry's.

"Now I don't know what's happening here and I sure as hell don't care but no one is leaving this table until either of you decides to talk to the other," Barbara said sternly.

No one spoke.

"I'm dead serious guys," she laid back on her seat.

"I'd rather not mom. I'm not interested in speaking to traitors," bry's eyes landed on Jerry. Accusing him for God knows what.

"Don't call me that princess," Jerry warned.

"Or what? Do you have something on me that you want to share with the world? Maybe some leverage so I'd do things your own way?" Bry sounded angry.
The last time Barbara saw her in that state was when her father left.


"Don't call me that. The old Jerry that I knew can call me that but not the new you. You know what, I can't do this," she blinked back her tears.

Brymie was hurting, Barbara knew that look all too well. It was the look of a broken heart.

"Fine! Be that way. I was trying to protect you and you know that. But instead of being grateful, you give me the cold shoulder," Jerry snapped.

"You made me choose between the guy that I love and you, knowing very well that I'd choose you. I chose you, so this is what you get dear brother," Bry snapped back.

"What is going on between you two? This isn't you guys," Barbara said. Hoping for make things right.

"Everyone always saw the bad in you. Except me. I was there for you, I defended you when you messed up my best friend's life. I believed in you, but this is how you repay me? By threatening to expose a secret that doesn't even concern you in any freaking way?" Bry's tears were flowing freely on her face.

" I am just trying to protect you,"

"Well your not my father and stop trying to be one. I don't need your protection Jerry. Stop meddling in my life and live yours. I wish you never came back. Now I know how Jeanne feels," Bry got up from the table and walked away.

What she said was harsh but Barbara promised herself not to get involved in their fight.

She had to help bring back peace in her family and she knew of one way on how to do that.


"Brymie, talk to me. What happened between the two of you?" Jeanne asked for the hundredth time that week and in all honesty, Brymie was beginning to get irritated.

Jeanne just wouldn't shut up!

"Jeanne hunny, I love you but this isn't any of your business. I have to go, say hi to Jade for me," she gave her a slight hug as she opened her car door. School was over and all she wanted to do was just to get home and sleep.

She hated how her chest felt heavy whenever she saw stefan walking the school hall with sadness and it was all her fault. She missed him.

Every second of the day. The homecoming dance was two weeks away and she  didn't know whether to go or not.
Stefan had asked her to be his date and she said yes.

But now, she was stuck in a sad limbo. Hoping that Stefan would be the one taking her.

Who was she kidding anyway. The guy hated her.

"You know you can just say it yourself. Just bury your pride and go talk to her. She misses you," Jeanne held her hand.
She really hoped her two friends would kiss and make up already. She was tired of being the middle man.

"As much as I hate admitting it, you're right. I'll talk to her tomorrow. But don't tell her yet. I might just change my mind," she joked but Jeanne didn't find it funny. She just gave her the 'im warning you look'

"Ok. Fine. I will not change my mind,"


"I promise," the two hugged goodbye and she entered her car.

"You know, when I told you to back off I didn't mean for you to break things off with him," Bry shrieked when she saw Jake seated on the back seat of her car.

"Jesus Christ! Jacob!What the hell is wrong with you?" She held her hand on her chest. Her heart was beating wildly.

Jake was such an annoying son of a bitch!

"How did you get inside my car?"

"I broke into your car. Deal with it. Now, what the hell did you do to my brother?" He caught her attention. Something about his tone of voice told her he was not as angry as he portrayed.

" It's none of your business whether Im with him or not. Stop meddling,"

He watched her for a moment then smiled. Bry was confused.

"I'm not going to pretend that I'm not happy with how things are right now. Atleast now when I think of you, I won't feel so guilty," he had a smug smile on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I like you, and one way or another I am going to have you,"

"I mean that I like you, and one way or another I am going to have you,"

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She could not believe him. Jake was really a piece of work.

"I don't have time for your games Jacob, just get out of my car please,"she ran her hand through her  hair.

"Neither do I. Have a nice evening  princessa, " he winked at her before exiting her car.  Brymie was left dumb founded.  She had no idea on how to react to Jake's insanity.

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