Everything changes

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                            Abilene's pov
It has now been a month and Ed has changed a lot. When I was hangin out with the guys, he would call my phone every ten minutes asking where I was and who the hell I'm with. Things he said wasn't him.

"You can't wear that. Not that either. You better be home by 9:15. You can't hang out with him. Or him. Don't eat that. Don't drink that." It got worse. He even made me cut an dye my hair.

 He even made me cut an dye my hair

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I hate it. I want my red hair back. Especially the length.

"Woah. What happened to your hair?" Dad asks.

"Ed made me change it." I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"He said he didn't like it. I hate it I look like mom." I say.

"Y'all are done. He's been orderin you around, makin you change. Not anymore." He says.

Months later, Ed and I are done. I'm gonna grow my hair out, get that tattoo I've always wanted, take off work, go out with the guys. I can be me now that he's gone.

*sorry got the idea when I heard a song*

I changed my hair once the red came back after graduation.

I changed my hair once the red came back after graduation

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I was out every weekend with the guys. Yeah I still live with dad but he said next year I have to get a apartment. I can cover my truck, gas, groceries, and rent. I'm an author, racer, and singer. Thanks to dad. It's a good thing dad made me leave We when he did. Ed is in jail now. I've gotten better. I even started going out with one of the guys. His name is Beau.

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