Chapter 25

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Amanda's POV

I see nothing except darkness, why me of all people does this have to happen to. My wings, they're gone. No more flying, no more feeling free. My wings were a part of me and now they are gone, taken by him, the one who took my parents. The person who destroyed my whole life, and for what? A Demon Sword that I don't have.

"Amanda I know you're upset but you can't let you're rage consume you, it will not end good."

I looked around to see a boy about my age standing there.

"What do you know, you're just in my head."

"I know that you feel helpless, I know you want revenge. I also know that no matter what you do revenge is not the answer cause it won't bring back you're parents.

I turned to look at him my eyes red from crying "who are you?"

"My name is Zander."

"The Zander that left me in my head and made me think I was going insane?" I frowned at him, feeling annoyed that he had left me for so long.

"Yes, that one, I left because you don't need me yet." He sighed.

"What's happening? Why me? Why am I like this?"

"That's a very hard thing to explain, Amanda." He rubbed his palms into his eyes, sighing again before resuming what he was saying.

"You are a descendant of a great queen."

"A great queen? You're on something." I laughed, thinking that he was joking. Hoping that he was joking.

"You have great potential sealed inside you."

"How do you know this?" My laughing stopped as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I know you will get through this, but for now you have to wake up." He avoided my question, forcing me to wake up before I could ask anything else.

And that's when my eyes fluttered opened. I couldn't feel anything. All hope was gone and I didn't know what to do anymore. I was lost.

"Amanda are you okay?" Erick asked me, and I could hear the panic in his voice.

I couldn't form any words, if I did I knew I would break down in tears again. Every part of my body hurt.

"Amanda it's okay please speak to me."

"I-I-I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough. I don't deserve to be team leader." I broke down in tears. why am I so weak? If only I was stronger. I managed to sit up with the help of Erick. I looked around and everyone looked at me with pity. This is what I didn't want. I don't want people to pity me that means I'm weak. And weakness wasn't what a good leader had.

"Look at me Amanda Knight."

I managed to look at Erick with my eyes full of tears.

"You think because you don't have wings I won't love you any less. You're not weak, you are strong, I don't know many people that could handle as much as you did. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we made the right decision on making you leader, and it doesn't matter if you have wings or not. We didn't choose you to be a leader because you had wings, we chose you to be a leader because you were strong and knew what to do. The fact that you don't have wings won't change how strong you are or how much we look up to you. We are a family and nothing is going to change that."

I started crying. How could I deserve any of this? I'm worthless. I don't deserve these people as a family. I laid my head on Erick's chest and let the tears fall.

"Thank you, I love you all."

Ericks lifted my chin with his finger and brought our lips together. My cheeks turned bright pink, after a few seconds we stopped and everyone was smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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