Mistakes and Regrets

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"No, not without being an us. I love you and I will always love you. We made a promise remember."

"Jack, what promise? The promise to always be honest, truthful and faithful. Jack you broke that promise years ago." I snarled.

"I told you it was a mistake a misunderstanding."

"No! A mistake is if you forgot to cross the T's and dot the I's. A mistake is if it only happened once and you learned from it NO! What you did was a choice." I looked at Jack, my eyes burning holes into his face, "What now Jack? What you did was a decision and you made that decision despite my feelings. Not once had you considered them." I was now rambling. How dare he come into my home accusing me and calling me a whore.

"Fine, I admit it, but it was your fault."

"My fault, how was it my fault." My fist now clenching on its own.

"You slept with your brother in law." He emphasized the word brother in law.

"Oh, so sleeping with him..."

"You cheated on me." He grunted.

I was baffled, how could he think I ever cheated on him. "Correction, I am not you."

"Oh, really so sleeping with your brother in law then having his son is not grounds for cheating. How are you any different from me?"

"First of all, at the time I didn't know he was my brother in law and second of all who was it that pushed me away."

"I didn't tell you to have sex with him." He was now angry. The veins in his neck began to bulged. "Is that why you didn't want to have sex with me because you were fucking him. Tell me Kanna, we were supposed to get married, be happy and have tons of kids."

My eyes now were full on leaking as my vision blurred, "How dare you." I pounded into his chest. "I am not a slut. Fine you want to talk about it, we'll talk. This is all your fault to begin with. You pushed me away. For months you ignored me and I thought it was my fault. I thought maybe I should have given you what you wanted. You knew I wanted to wait till after our wedding but you were cold towards me and harsh. We had fought over meaningless things that you always seem to escalate. You were never there always leaving me alone for the next business evet or so you say." I was now sobbing. "That night when I decided to give you the one thing that I had protected for years to only come home to find her, with you naked in my bed. My fucking bed Jack. My apartment, not yours, mine." I huffed out angrily. "At least have the decency to do it in my spare bed room, not on my fucking bed Jack."

Jacks eyes soften as he pulled me once again into another embrace. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Hurt me Jack, you did far worse than that."

"I told you it was a mistake and a misunderstanding. I love you always but she was there..."

"No, a mistake only happens one time but for two whole months. Jack two fucking months your telling me you made a mistake and kept making the same mistake for two whole fucking months. And if you tell me she was there to full fill your needs congratulations you succeeded, now tell me was it worth it. Did you ever think of me when you were with her? Has my face popped up in your mind as you were touching her? No your face says it all," I paused "Now whose the slut."

"Is that why you went ahead and slept with Michael to get back at me?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, I told you I didn't know who Michael was until the night of the rehearsal dinner."

"But that didn't stop you from sleeping with him."

Now I was pissed, "You have no right to judge me, besides I was hurt betrayed and angry. I admit maybe it wasn't right to do what I did..."

"So, you gave him your virginity. Jesus Christ Kanna are you even thinking. You didn't want to give yours mine but you gave it to a complete stranger." Jack raked his fingers through his hair.

"What the hell do you expect me to do. I was ready to give you mine that night but seeing you in bed with her, whatever I had left in me...that piece of thread I was hanging onto snapped...my sanity broke. I love you with all my heart. I was ready to give you everything but you shattered my heart and for what, because your dick needed it. Because you couldn't wait so you looked for it somewhere else. Jack please tell me why. Why did you sleep with her? Wasn't I enough?"

"No please, it's my fault baby, don't cry I was weak, she came to me and seduced me. I admit I should've stop but I couldn't."

"You couldn't or you wouldn't. Jack, I never just blamed her I blamed you too. I don't jump on every dick I see so tell me what does that make you?"

"Please baby, don't let this be over. We can work this out, I love you for god's sake. I love you so fucking much."

"No, I'm through working this out. We've been over a long time ago so please leave." I sighed in resignation. I was tired. It was a long and tiring day.

"I told you I made a mistake a mistake I regret and I won't ever make the same one again.'

Can't this man take a hint, "A mistake Jack who are you fooling. She was my sister damn it! My fucking sister. You slept with my god damn sister in my apartment on my bed. And unlike you, you knew she was my sister when I introduced her and you still slept with her. You did the one thing I ask you not to do...you broke my heart.

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