In response to Elise’s question, Damon stopped smirking and slowly walked over to her. Elise could feel her eyes widen in fear, but she stood frozen to the spot. When Damon was barely three inches from her, he stopped. He bent down a little so he could look right into her eyes.

Oh no…” Elise thought as she regarded him with caution, not to mention the ever-present fear. She knew what was coming. He would use his compulsion—a vampire eye trick—to make her forget something, or do something… however, Elise couldn’t help but to be a little excited. After all, it was her favourite fictional character… though she was beginning to doubt the ‘fiction’ of the vampire standing in front of her…

“Why does it matter why I brought you here? “ Damon says so that Elise can smell his breath. Damon gets up and turns around. “Come, and don’t try to escape again otherwise bad things will happen. Understand?” Damon adds on in a serious tone with his back turned to Elise and his hands are behind his back looking into the distance waiting for a response.

“Yes.” Elise says quietly and weakly.

“Good.” Damon says while he turns his head and gestures Elise to start walking with his hand. She complies, scared of what would happen if she didn’t. Damon followed about five feet behind, and except for him commenting on which direction to go, the walk was silent. Sometimes Damon would become so quiet, Elise wasn’t sure if he was still there, but every single time he had managed to scare her out of her skin when he directed her.

Soon enough, Damon told her to stop walking. They had stopped in a fairly large clearing, which was filled with yellowing grass and spotty flowers, and a small looking wooden cottage could be made out on the other side of the clearing. Elise stayed quietly, and looked around. The clearing itself was surrounded by trees that, in the distance, looked like they grew tall enough to blot out the sun. While she was scoping the area, Damon busied himself with watching her facial expressions. They varied from scared, surprised, hope, and even a little bit of anger…

“Walk to the house.” Damon commanded in a somewhat softer and gentler tone than what he normally sounded like when he told her something. She walked to the middle of the clearing and stopped dead in her tracks so fast that Damon didn’t even expect it. He was barely a foot away from her when he realized that she’d stopped moving.  “Keep going.” Damon said in a somewhat irritated tone.

“Mmmm.” Was all Elise said in a response and then just plopped herself down in the ankle high grass.  Damon threw his hands in the air and sighed.

“Why won’t you go!?” he yelled at Elise.

“Why won’t you give me answers?!” Elise yelled right back.

Damon pursed his lips, crossed his arms, and sighed, saying, “Because, you will see soon enough!”

Elise pursed her lips also, not sure whether she was to trust this vampire or not. Damon smirked at her when she didn’t say anything. “Well?”

“… Are you sure my questions will be answered?” she asks him cautiously. Damon’s smirk quickly turned into a smile at that.

He reached a hand down towards Elise, but she just stared at it. “Take my hand.” He demands, and Elise places her hand into the vampires’.  Damon pulls her up then shoved her in front of him, then he let go of her hand and grabbed her arm instead. After getting five steps ahead than where Elise sat down in the grass she stopped and pushed him so now they were two feet apart.

“What now.” Damon says really annoyed.

“Give me my answers now! Or else I will not cooperate with you!” Elise demanded.

Damon sighs and looks at her for a little bit.

“You are too stubborn to cooperate even if I did give you your answers that you wanted.” Damon says.

“I will to cooperate, but ONLY if you give me the answers to any question I ask” Elise snaps back.

Damon gets really close to Elise and picks her up and slings her over his shoulder.

“I told you I will tell you when we get to the house.”   Damon says while carrying her to the house with a smirk on his face.

Elise let him without fighting back, blushing furiously the whole time. Soon the gentle sway of his casual strut had stopped, and Damon dropped Elise. She squealed, but instead of the hard ground, Elise found herself on a soft cushion.

Damon flashed into the house, and was back before Elise could even blink. He smiled, bent down, and lifted up her pant leg a bit before lightly pressing a wet cloth against her leg. Elise hissed, apparently she had gotten a cut along the way.  She just watched him until he was done wiping the blood away. After he wiped the blood away he went back into the house and came out again.

“Come.” Was all Damon said.

Elise got up from the house and followed Damon into the house. After they went past two rooms they were in the living room.

“Sit.” Damon commanded, pointing to a sofa.

Elise did as she was told and sat down. He pulled a chair up in the living room so that it was directly in front of Elise and sat down.

“What are your questions Elise?” Damon asked.

“Uh... Why did you kidnap me?” She asked.

“Because you are important to me.”  Damon answered, smiling and leaning back. Elise just blinked, surprised. Why would I be important to him?

“You'll see…” Damon murmured, leaning forwards a bit. He rested his head in his hand and just gazed at Elise. Elise shifted a bit, feeling naked under his gaze. She sneered at him through the blush when he smirked.

Damon Salvatore--My Kidnapper?!Where stories live. Discover now