Wish Against the Wars

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It's strange how stars shine so bright in the sky

But they're concealed by the lights of the city

You'd think that stars would outshine these lights

But the city lights wouldn't give in

With all the light in the world, you'd think that there was a war between them

For the brightest title of all

But why does that matter?

Their war isn't reality, it's fantasy

The war across the Atlantic is reality

The war against Mother Nature

The war for our economy

The war between crime and justice

The war for the simple things in life

People are losing

Losing their pride, losing their life, losing their everything

Leaving behind legacies, leaving behind nothing

War is war

Whether the cause is simple or not

War causes loss

So when you look up to the stars in the night

Don't think of the city lights that blind them

Just wish

Wish for those who are suffering, wish for a bright future

Be that single ray of hope

Soon the world will shine so bright with hope

Nothing will be able to outshine it


For the brave men and women in the war, for the strong men and women suffering from the economy, for the innocent human beings who suffer the pain of crimes, even the not so innocent human beings, for the people who are wishing for hope, for the people who are taking a stand

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