Chapter 12: Nicole and Mira's Nightmare Past

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Nicole: no...why it was very like...the orphanage!

Nicole sat in the bed on the corner left of the room.

Steven: what?

Nathan: tell me Nicole! It is a Psychic's skills?!

Aria: it has to be.

Steven: Nicole...are you okay?

Nicole: don't worry I am is Mira's trick. She really copied the image of orphanage where me and Mira used to live.

Steven sat in the bed next to Nicole.

Steven: wait...what is your relation with Mira?

Nicole looked down and her tears slowly flowing down through her face, Steven wiped her tears.

Nicole: me and Mira were living in orphanage, we both 5 years old, moreover, I met her in the orphanage, we live in same room...we became close friends and we been love each other as best friends. She has less friends...but I think I am her close friends

Aria: so sweet...

The music box continued playing uncomfortable child music, Nicole stared at empty pink wall.

Nicole: I am with Mira in 10 years, I know her better...she was the most intelligent person I've ever know, she always taught me the things I didn't know, so I called her "my teacher" and she thought that I am her student.

Nathan seemed not listening, he was just finding where was the music box. He wanted to stop the music box since he felt so creeped.

Rose: Nathan! Behave!

Nathan: aww...ok.

Nathan lied on the bed next to Steven. Suddenly, the Flash Potion went off which the room got darken again, couldn't even see anything. The music box stopped and they only heard a wind passing across them. They are calmed yet but in their mind were in panic. After a few seconds, the Flash Potion mysteriously glowed. They found out they were in the patient room of the asylum or the mental hostipal. Nathan stood up so sudden when he found out he was lying the bloody bed of the patient that he thought he was still lying on the child's bed. It seemed Mira's tricked them again using the illusion, she changed the room theme. The patient bed was in the middle of the room, they glanced around, they saw the room was abandoned, the curtains of the window has teared up, the floor have many litters which they get shocked, it have many pieces of woman's hair scattered on the floor, some dried blood on the floor and the bed, the white walls that surrounded the room had many dirt. Nicole suddenly shouted that echoed her voice ended up of closing her eyes while sitting in the patient bed and crying. Steven patted Nicole's back. Nathan, Aria and Rose felt shocked from the sudden shouted of Nicole, Aria and Rose hugged each other.

Steven: Nicole...I think Mira was torturing you by using her tricks to remembered the dark past of yours.

Nicole: was Mira who get tortured.

Nathan: what to you mean?

Nicole: I am scared...I am so scared.

Nicole suddenly hugged Steven. Steven kept patting her back.

Steven: it was Mira who get tortured.

Nicole unhugged Steven and she looked down.

Nicole: year 2014 in planet earth...Mira...has mental Illness. The doctor found it out she has psychological problems, they maybe right. While I was growing up with her, she was changing her good attitude into the abnormal attitude, she got easily mad, she was setting fires, destroying property, she was also the victim of bullies...I am trying to help her but no use...she never thought me as friends. The day where Mira was birthday, we're both 15 years old, the Therapist took her to the Mental Hospital and they said they will do some test to Mira...after they took Mira, I sneaked to leave the Orphanage, I tried to find where was the Mental Hospital. After an hours, I found it, I kept doing anything to enter the hospital until I finally found her in the hallway, she was sitting in the wheelchair and her arms and feet was tied up, I see she has many wounds and bandage, she seemed she tortured by the Therapist, two boys and two girls. The four Therapist brought her inside the patient room so I sneaked so no one can see me and then I looked at the window, I couldn't hear anything since I am outside the room. I saw Mira was lying in the patient bed and her body was tied up with the four Therapist, the room was very like this. I just saw the Therapist was talking to her while they were injecting her some syringe, whipping her body using whip and forcing her to take the pills. I couldn't do anything, I just cried while watching Mira was torturing by them. I wanted to try to breach the door but I was afraid, I just ran away from the Mental Hospital and went back to the Orphanage.

Steven: Mira was the victim...

Nicole: yeah, that is why I can't decide if we need to kill her.

Aria: we must save her.

The Flash Potion went off again and after a seconds. They found out they back in the Nicole and Mira's orphanage room. They saw the door was opened and they found out the key of the Stock Room was in the doorknob of the door of the room. Nicole took the key and they were going to the basement where they thought Malis was imprisoned. In the hallway of the basement, the place so dark and too silent so Steven used his Flash Potion again to create a dim light. They thought Malis was fast asleep, they started searching the Stock Room but Nicole suddenly went to the unamed room. She needed to do something before saving Malis.

Nicole: Aria and Rose...come with me please...

Aria: what was something special on the room?

Rose: well sure, and Nathan and two should find her...just keep searching...

Steven: oh ok then...

Nathan: then inform us what you have found on that room.

Steven and Nathan seperated from Nicole, Aria and Rose. Steven and Nathan were searching at every room but no Stock Room was wrote. However, they found pieces of Malis's cloth was lying on the ground near the elevator room so they went there. The elevator suddenly went up so fast automatically, they found out they were in the second floor of the mansion, they explored the whole place and they ended up in living room. They finally seen Malis and Mira. Mira's personnel took their guns aiming Nathan and Steven

Malis: Steven thank god you came here...

Mira: welcome Mr. Warlock and Wizard...

Mira stood up approaching at them.

Steven: why did you take her!

Mira: none of your business!

Malis: she wanted to prevent our plan!

Steven: you mean you don't like to end the story?

Mira: I can't hide now...yes! No happy ending will gonna happened and we will live in this book forever and I will become the ruler of this kingdom...all races I will make them my peasants...because of the power that I will going to have soon when I won...

Mira stopped walking in front of Steven while she was smoking.

Steven: Nicole was right, you are really a crazy person!

Steven suddenly threw splash Potion of Smoke. The whole area filled with smoke and Nathan quickly cast Flamethrower to Mira's personnel. They all died before they fire the guns, Mira couldn't see anything but she saw Nathan so Mira cast Telekenesis. She made Nathan levitated himself, Nathan couldn't even casting spell so Mira threw him away to the window. Mira didn't notice Steven got Malis and they escaped the room. Steven was running the hallway while carrying Malis.

Malis: Steven...thanks...

Steven: Malis...hold my hand tighter...I want you to be safe...

Steven gently put Malis down and she held Steven's hand, they wwnt to the balcony of the mansion. Steven looked begind and he saw the personnel.

Steven: enemy is coming!

Malis: ahh where!

Steven: Malis...all we need to do is to jump on that window...just hug me tighter and you will be safe with me...

Malis: ok...Steven.

Steven and Malis jumped down from the balcony to get to the garden. Malis hugged Steven tighter they are falling whch she kept screaming. They fell down to the ground safety.

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