Blood banks

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"The blood bank"

I looked around the room. The white walls. The tick-tock of the clock on the wall. The stupid educational posters. A big black board in the front of the classroom.

It's the first day of high-school and you can say I'm far from excited. I thought of mean teachers and students, being picked on or made fun of, didn't necessarily make me jump with joy.

What's the worst part? I have been classified as a freak. I have no friends and they call me 'the freaky geek'.

Today was blood day. Basically were the blood banks come and get donations from students.

I tapped my pencil. My mom was making me do this, another thing not to be excited for. The intercom went on. "All students come down for the, um, blood donation thing." The bored voice of an office aid said through the speakers.

I got up. I don't want to do this. I really don't want to do this. I went down the stairs going to at a time. I walked over to the truck. Nurses in tight white clothes with sickeningly sweet smiles greeted me and the hoard of students. One spoke up.

"Ok we need to bring you in one at a time." She placed her hands on her hips. She pointed at me.

"You first." Fake enthusiasm dripped from her voice. Why, me? There's like a whole bunch of people here and they choose me.

I went into the trailer. They strapped me up and started to drain my blood. Instead of stopping my blood continued to drain.

"What's happening I asked worriedly.

"You're donation will be much appreciated." The nurse practically drain the life out of me widened her smile. I felt light headed. About to pass out.

"Are you sure this is safe." My voice was soft. The nurses smile turned into a wicked grin.

"No but that won't matter when were done." Her eyes flashed with amusement. Her front teeth extended into fangs.

The last sight I saw before I fainted was my blood in a large bag and the wicked smile of a vampire.

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