Don't You Touch Her! (Sesshomaru x human!reader)

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I hid in the cave, shaking, trying not to breath too hard, thinking they might hear me if I'm too loud.
The village people had spotted me outside of town with Sesshomaru and now think I'm a demon. They grabbed any weapon possible and chased me. They called me a monster, an abomination. They told me to die. I curled into a ball and began to cry. My death was inescapable. They would find me and since Sesshomaru went to help Rin find food, he won't be able to save me.
I threw my head up when I heard a man yell, "I found her!" He was standing at the enterence of the cave, holding a knife and a torch.
He slowly stalked to me, smirking. "You thought you could hide from us, you little witch?" He chuckled.
Men were piling in the cave now. I backed up into the cave until I was met with the back wall of it. I looked at the wall then back at the men.
I whimpered and sunk to the ground. I covered my neck with my hands, hoping it'd help in some way.
I soon figured out, it wouldn't when the first man kicked me in my ribs sending me harshly to the ground on my side.
"You listening to me, girl?!" He kicked me in the stomach and laughed.
He pulled my head up and placed his blade to my neck.
"Any last words, demon?" I closed my eyes and cried harder. "P-please..."
I heard the sound of someone moving and a voice yell, "Don't you dare touch her!"
The man let go of my head and pulled back the knife. I looked up and the look on his face was one of horror. Not even a second later he fell on the ground, a pool of blood formed around him.
I looked around. Every man who I saw enter the cave, was in the same situation as the man who just tried to kill me.
A man stepped in front of me and I jumped away. I hid my face and my heart pounded hard against my ribs.
The person keeled and gently removed my arms from my face. I looked up and Sesshomaru stood over me. His expression was one I've never seen. He was worried.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and stood up. I stumbled, but when I was balanced, I hugged Sesshomaru as hard as I could. He hugged back.
He pulled away slightly and kissed me. I was shocked, but kissed back quickly. When I pulled away, he had his normal expression on.
"We should continue traveling. Run is just outside the cave. Go. I'll join you in a second." I nodded and ran ahead.
When I got to the entrance of the cave, I looked back. Sesshomaru kicked the man who tried to kill me and cursed.
I smiled and continues outside.
I was lucky to have Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha x reader One shot'sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant