Chapter 20

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It was December, and with the holidays fast approaching, Jason and Piper had decided that they wanted to spend winter break at Camp Half-Blood with their son, and visit some of their friends. 

Jason woke Leo up earlier than Leo wanted, which made him slightly grumpier than usual. He whined a little as Jason changed him, though Jason did his best to keep him calm. He dressed him in the warmest outfit he had: a cream-colored sweater; a pair of soft pajama pants; his fuzziest socks; a warm hat; and Leo's winter coat. 

Jason scooped Leo back up into his arms, gently bouncing him and saying, "Hey, little man. It's all okay. I know you're tired and cranky. But you can go to sleep in a few minutes. We just need to get you some breakfast and get you in the car, okay, buddy? Can you do that for me, kiddo?" Leo whined, squirming a little, but settled down after a moment. "Thank you, kiddo." He gave Leo a kiss on the top of his head, walked over to his crib, grabbed Banjo and his blanket, and carried him out of the room. Piper was waiting in the dining room with a little plastic cup of apple sauce. 

Jason handed her to Leo, and she sat down, holding Leo in her lap, before beginning to feed him. He ate slowly, still very sleepy, but eventually the apple sauce was gone. Piper gave Leo a kiss on both of his cheeks before standing up, giving Jason a kiss on the cheek, and carrying Leo out to the car, where she set him into his carseat and buckled him in. 

Leo was practically asleep as she clicked the buckles into place, and she smiled down at her beautiful little angel. How had she gotten so lucky as to have the most beautiful baby in the world? 

*******Sorry, guys. I know it's a short chapter, but I'm working on the next one now, and I'm going to be doing a flashback to how they met Leo and stuff. That wasn't originally a part of my agenda, but I think it could be interesting to do. So, yeah. Some flashbacks, then a holiday chapter. Sound good? I sure hope so. 

Anyways, peace out in demigodishness and all that! 

~~~Mrsleovaldez *******

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