CHAPTER 9 part 1

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I glimpse around my room and seen Mira standing by the side of my bed with one of her hands resting on her hip.

"What was you dreaming about? We was crying in your sleep." She sat down on my bed crisscross apple style. Putting her hands in her lap waiting for me to begin telling her what my dream was about.

"It's nothing really just that you was going to jail." I said getting teary eyed just being able to have my sister from a different mister is everything.

"Girl we went to the courtroom yesterday and I paid that man way to much money to just have my ass thrown in jail." She laughed standing up and pulling to cover off of me.


"Your suppose to help me find something to wear to my date, that's what I'm doing now get up dayday ."

"With who Dashawn?" I asked confused.

"No he's been M.I.A and now thinking about it Brenda been M.I.A too." She said looking through my closet.

"Yeah I texted her I think three days ago and she said she was with her "MAN" but who know she always walking around with different men on her arms." I said looking through my text messages "you know Payton's pregnant right?"

"Duh... I went to her place and she told me not to tell Will yet because of what happened last time." 

"Oh I would too, sooo about this date who is he?" I asked.

"Gurrlll the finest piece of chocolate I ever seen." She tossed me her phone that showed a picture of him.

   I tapped off the picture and went trough their message and honey if you seen how they texted each you'll think they were married

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   I tapped off the picture and went trough their message and honey if you seen how they texted each you'll think they were married. "Why you send the wet emoji to this kofi dude." I asked to be funny. She looked up at me through the  mirror and smirks.

"Ayye he sent that purple pickle I sent that wet wet back." She said twerking with.

"I don't know what to wear for this date which one should I pick  A OR B?" She asked to be completely honest I don't know for once in my life my stuck so

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"I don't know what to wear for this date which one should I pick A OR B?" She asked to be completely honest I don't know for once in my life my stuck so...



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"Are you going to say something I don't have all day."

BLACK LOVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora