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*sherlawk cuolnt tek it anymur, he luvs jawn but he dosnt geds signels bak form jawn. Zo sherlawk iz goin 2 kill imzelf*

SH: Goodbye John.

-throws phone away-




JW: Kay Bby if that's wat u want 😏😏😏 #johnlock

SH: K babe let's have dinner

-picks phone back up-

JW: Kwl I'll pick u up at lyk 8ish. Be ready babe

SH: Key bae I'll wear ma purple shirt of sex, the one u like

JW: Yhhhh bae u no I lyk DAT shirt. ILL wear ma jumper for u bcs I no u tink I luk sexi in it

SH: Yss wear dat jumper plez, u look lik sexi beast wit it . sherlok liks that

JW: Dw babez I'll wer it juzt 4 u. Den we can go home and frickle frackle lol ygm babe

SH: Key babey lets do dat, I'll explen u wat UMQRA meens if u know wat I mean

JW: Yh I get u babez can't w8

SH: I askd ms Hudders if she wantd 2 leave 221b 2night so we have the palace 4 just the 2 of us lik ygm bby

JW: Fanks babe now we cab hv sm alone tiem just da 2 of uz

SH: yw bae I'll make te showr ready 4 uz whn we com bak from dnnr

JW: Tanx bby buh u hv to share wiv me kay

SH: key ofkouse togeter jawwn u kan chos wat we do nekst k

*Jawn luks at is phon, sherlawk sees his phonbakgrund: a piktur of Merry*

sherly ant jawwn ar hawt (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now