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She said we should

*Keys POV*

"Cenere! I'm here" I could hear Mia yell from the front door. "In here Mia" I say calmly and continued to work on my camera while Bozo ran around like the fluff ball he is.

"Hey Cenere,o my god hey baby boy!!" Mia squeals as she bent and petted Bozo's soft brown fur

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"Hey Cenere,o my god hey baby boy!!" Mia squeals as she bent and petted Bozo's soft brown fur. And Bozo being the traitor he is looked so happy with her.

"Now care to explain what was the emergency that you called me here so urgently" Mia says getting up with her hands on her hips.

Bozo climbs in my lap and licks me cheek.

"Someone's here to meet us,he need our help. I've heard his part of the story. But as my secretary you need to hear it as well" I say looking up at her.

"Who?" She asks puzzled.

"Him" I motion with my head.

*Thump Thump Thump*

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*Thump Thump Thump*

"Mia,Park Chanyeol"

"I'll take over from here" Chanyeol says and smiles at me

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"I'll take over from here" Chanyeol says and smiles at me.

"Ok,so Chanyeol what can I help you with?" Mia asks. "A lot actually" He says calmly.

"I need your make and illusion."

"An illusion?! That's what we are best at!" Mia exclaimed looking and me.

"Yes and that why I need your help" He says looking at me.

"Hmmm,but why should we help you?"

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"Hmmm,but why should we help you?"

"My sister,she had the same black hair as you" he says touching Mia's hair.
"Ok,but that doesn't explains why we should help you?"
*sigh* " I guess I need to tell you the whole story again" he said.


"Oh my god" Mia said as she wiped her tears "that's so sad"

"Yea"I say as I looked at a sleeping Bozo. "I'm ready to help" Mia said getting up and looking determined.
"Cenere,we should help him!" She exclaimed and Chanyeol looked at me expectantly

"Whatever the lady says" I say smiling at Chanyeol and he beams up and turned to Mia and put his hands in her cheeks.

Thank you,you just made my life"

After Chanyeol left Mia sat beside me and petted Bozo

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After Chanyeol left Mia sat beside me and petted Bozo. "It's about time you get him a friend" she said.

"Well we are gonna have bunny's soon" I say smirking. "Oh my,since when were you into bunnies?" She asks.

"It's not me,it's someone else who is into bunnies" I say getting up and leaving the room to get some food.

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