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Club House

Third Person's Pov

The B.U.D.D.Y. band are practicing as they have concert very soon. Since these few months they have become pretty famous for their songs which have generally became FRIENDS Anthem lately. 

"UNITY se bana humara yeh naam (Our name formed from Unity we have)

Lambi hankte nhi lambi kaamo dete hai anjaam (We don't gloat rather we do our work!)

Bachpan se sikha humne yahi ek bol (From childhood we learnt single phrase)



Na na na na Na na na na Na


Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Friends are partners in crime,part of family

You can share what you want endlessly

They never judge you! You can always be yourself

You can always be yourself[3]



Now all them were tired after a long practice session. Now they sat for a chit chat.

Deepal's Pov

"Guys! It's been so many months, officer Pandey is ignoring us! I don't know why?", I stated. Ballu said, "Come on Deep! I think he might be busy with the case!" Dev said, "Yeah! I hope he is not in danger!" Ush said, "I'm not feeling good these days guys! I'm continuously getting negative vibes!" I said, "Yeah Ush is right I'm also getting negative vibes. I don't know why I'm feeling something very terrible is gonna happen in our lives!" We were busy thinking deep about our negative vibes when suddenly Yug said, "Guys I'm pregnant!" Ballu who was still in deep thought said, "Kaha apna muh kala karwaaya?[Where did you get your face blackened] Wait What? It was Yug's voice right?" I glared at Ballu and Ballu glared at Yug. I said, "Yug! You can't be serious anytime, can you?" Yug gave all of us a bored look and said, "Come on guys! We have a concert coming up we should focus on that." We all nodded our heads then we chatted about random things. We all went out of the club house.

Yug's Pov

Oh my God gracious me. We came out of the club house and found my Sudi here. Sudi was engrossed in her phone and I was busy staring at her. I don't know when I moved towards her and she moved towards me I felt push on my chest and came back to reality soon and found Sudi who was about to fall down but I grabbed her by her waist. Perfect we had an eye-lock. We were lost into each other and millions of trumpets were playing in my heart. I was feeling like I'm the luckiest man on earth. Suddenly someone said, "Hello Yug Darling!" Sudi grabbed my arm and got up and then pushed me with the same disgust in her eyes. I was like what a timing Huh! I turned around to find Tanya. Ballu, Dev, Deep and Ush face palmed themselves. Tanya rushed up to me glued to me as usual. Sudi was about to leave when Deep understood my condition so she said, "Sudi wait!" She said, "What Deepal? If you wanna say something then you're welcome to my home as I don't wanna stay here for a single second specially with a flirty guy. You know what Deepal I hate these kind of people." I was trying to release myself from Tanya's grip but she was repeatedly side hugging me tightly. Deep looked at me for once and went with Sudi. I know she can make up any story in front of Sudi. Ballu, Dev and Ush came to me and said, "Yug bro! Nandini Aunty was calling you." Tanya said, "Okay Yug will meet you soon!" I'm really thankful now she left me and we turned we again went to the club house. It's the safest place. I don't know whenever I meet Sudi from where this Tanya also comes, disgusting. Dev said, "You should talk to Tanya clearly that you are in love with Sudi." Even now I was also feeling the same go to hell my ego. But how could Sudi refuse me when she loves me which is clearly visible in her eyes. 

Pandey House

Third Person's Pov

Titas was watching cartoons and Manish's Ma was stitching socks for the baby. Manish's mom said, "Titi! Have you decided any name for the kid?" Titas turned towards her M.I.L, who was no less than her mother and said, "If it's a boy I will name him Titikshu and if it's girl I will name her Mannat."  The ladies chatted for few minutes when Titi got her labor pain. She was screaming in pain. Titi's M.I.L soon called the ambulance while Titas has already fainted out of pain. The ambulance arrived after fifteen minutes. They reached to the hospital within half an hour. Manish's Ma admitted Titi to the hospital and then she called up her son and said, "Manish come to the City Hospital now I think it's the time for our champ to come out." 

Police Station

Manish's Pov

I hung up the call and I was so happy, I had few work left but I also wanted to go to our champ who is coming out so I took a half day leave and sat inside the car. From outside it's visible I'm driving but from inside I was jumping, dancing and what not. I have always wanted a baby girl and we decided to name her Mannat but Titi always wanted a baby boy, no matter it's a boy or a girl he or she will be the prince/princess of our heart. I'm so blessed to get a sweet and an understanding wife who is gifting me our champ today. I'm the luckiest man living on the earth. But some sort of negative vibes were coming to me since past 9 months. I reached the hospital and got down.

City Hospital

Manish's Pov

I reached the hospital on time. I hugged Ma and she was so happy and so as me. We both were extremely excited. After half an hour the nurse came out with my champ and said, "Mr. Pandey you are blessed with a baby boy." I saw my champ, his eyes were just like my Titi and he got my lips. He was damn cute. Ma took the baby from the nurse and I was looking at him endlessly. 

After few days

Third Person's Pov

Titas and Manish returned to their home with their baby. They named their baby as Titikshu as decided by Titas earlier. "Titi! Our Titikshu needs someone to play with, what say?", asked Manish earning a light slap on his left arm from Titi. 

Hey people here goes another chapter! What terrible thing is gonna happen in their lives? Why is everyone getting negative vibes? Well we will come to know about this in the upcoming chapters. Please turn the grey/white star orange and please keep commenting!

B.U.D.D.Y.| A Fanfic cum Action/Thriller [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now