Part 80

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N- 3,2,1
D- clear
They waited then I heard beeping
D- we got a pulse
I stood up and stopped crying and the nurses started to leave and I went up to Mia and held her hand. The doctor was taking stuff off of Mia.
A- what happened
D- when you left from the surgery room. I was closing her up and she started coding. I found out she was losing blood but I stopped it and then finished. I then brought her up here and she started coding from what you saw
A- is she going to be ok
D- for right now there's nothing wrong with her but if we find something she could be at risk
I nodded
D- the nurse is going to check on her ever 30 minutes now
A- ok thank you
She left and I sat done and pulled out my phone and Jake walked in
J- how's Mia
A- she will be fine for now
J- what are you doing
A- buying a house
He came over and I showed him the house
A- she wanted this house but I said it was too expensive but I'm going to buy it.
J- good luck
He left and I called the real estate and she told me I got it so I paid. I then hung up and texted jack
Anthony- Mia had her baby. Come visit and bring madi. Room 324
Jack- congrats and we're on our way
While waiting I posted a photo on Instagram

 Room 324Jack- congrats and we're on our wayWhile waiting I posted a photo on Instagram anthonytrujillo

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❤️| 4 mill 💬| 2 mill 👥| miawest
anthonytrujillo today June 27, 2018 at 5:46 my baby boy was born. We don't know his name yet but keep Mia in her prayers. I love you guys ❤️
Fan- what happen to Mia
fan- 😭❤️
jakepaul- congrats 🙏🏼
Then madi and jack walked in and I was holding the baby. I stood up and told Madi to sit down. She sat down and I put the baby in her arms.
J- so what happened to her
A- she woke up this morning around 4 and she said her side hurt and she was in pain so we came here. She had the baby by c- section and so the baby wasn't crying when it got out but the nurses fixed it and then she told me to go with him so I did. Jake later ran to me and said something is wrong with Mia and so I started running to the room and she was coding for the second time.
M- that's horrible
A- yeah apparently she lost a lot of blood.
J- do you know the baby's name
A- no but do you like this house I bought for Mia. She wanted it but I said it was too expensive
M- i love it
She handed me the baby
M- text me when Mia wakes up or anything changes
I nodded
J- good luck man
They left and I put the baby in his cart bed. I posted this on Snapchat
Anthony Trujillo

 I posted this on Snapchat Anthony Trujillo

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👀 2 mill

The baby fell asleep so I sat down next to Mia and held her hand. I then put my head down. Then someone started touching my hair. I looked up and Mia had her eyes open and she was smiling
A- baby
I reached over and kissed her
M- be careful babe
A- sorry
M- is the baby ok
A- you want to see him
I nodded and he went on the other side and grabbed him. He then walked over and sat down next to me. I looked at my baby in his arms
M- he looks like you. The eyes
A- he has both of our skin color. Tan
We then started talking and tydus walked in with Rocky and Alex and Chance. Anthony stared at Chance and stood up with the baby. He looked mad.
T- Mia
M- come here tydus
He walked over to me and I reached over and picked him up and sat him down on the bed. Anthony sat down next to us and Alex took a picture.
M- you have to be quiet the baby's sleeping
He nodded and Alex came over to me and she hugged me
A- congrats
M- thank you
R- I want to hold the baby
She sat down and Anthony looked at me and I nodded. He slowly walked over to her and set him in her arms.
C- so Anthony I heard you were crying. Your such a baby
Anthony then pushed Chance against the wall and was holding his shirt
A- you would be to if your girl was dying
M- Anthony stop
He looked at me and let Chance go and walked out of the room
M- I think it's time for you guys to leave the baby is tired and it's getting late
A- of course
They said bye and they left. The nurse then came in
N- you want me to take the baby so I can change its outfit
M- yes please and can I have the baby sleep in here
She nodded and left. I went on my phone and posted this photo

❤️|18 mill 💬| 16 mill 👥| anthonytrujillo miawest tydus came to visit❤️fan- happy family fan- life goalsFan- manthonyI then texted Anthony

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❤️|18 mill 💬| 16 mill 👥| anthonytrujillo
miawest tydus came to visit❤️
fan- happy family
fan- life goals
Fan- manthony
I then texted Anthony

❤️|18 mill 💬| 16 mill 👥| anthonytrujillo miawest tydus came to visit❤️fan- happy family fan- life goalsFan- manthonyI then texted Anthony

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The nurse came back and she handed me the baby and She taught me how to breastfeed so I started breastfeeding the baby. I got done and burped the baby and then the baby fell asleep so I put him in his bed. I laid down and went on my side. I heard the door open. I got really scared because I didn't know who it was. I turned around and it was Anthony
A- didn't mean to scare you
I laid back down and he laid down next to me.
M- it's ok
A- sorry for leaving you
M- we're you really crying
A- well ya you were dying right in front of me
I turned around
M- I'm never going to leave you
I kissed him and we fell asleep
Authors Note

In Love With My Best Friend❤️(Anthony Trujillo)Where stories live. Discover now