Jason Todd (Fluff)

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  Jason has been with you for about three years, but has known you for ten. He never had the intention to actually kill you, or lock you up, but he wanted to take you to the other heroes. The reason is unknown, since I didn't loom over him his whole life. He did succeed, but he separated you from Susie, so you nearly killed everyone before you got back to your sister. You didn't want to become a hero, since it didn't benefit you in anyway, so they decided to put you guys in a secluded part of the city, and have Red Hood keep you away from people. It was a mess, but you loved it.

  You were already in your home with a sleeping Jason in your room, and Susie watching a random drama on her tablet. Jason's skin was now a mix of purple, blue, and red. You went back to your physical form, but your arm stayed the same. It's misty form flattened and filled in Jason's gashes, almost completely covering his body. Everything closed up and disappeared, making him look fine again.

  Susie then walked in, and asked, "Did you make him okay? Is he dead yet? Can you wake him up?" She continued asking questions until Jason woke up.

  He still seemed a little startled by your presence, but you didn't care, it was normal. You reached out to him, and tried looked as kind as you could. Your were quite the keeper, so Jason was grateful he had gotten ahold of you before someone else had. Your looks weren't working though; all he could see was the shadowy monster that killed anyone that got near him or his princess.

  You knew it wasn't working, so you asked your sister for help,"Hey Susie.., can you do the thing?"

  She nodded in response, and crawled onto the bed. Her fragile body went closer and closer to the well-built, adult male. You were extremely paranoid he might attack, but you had to rely on her for once, she's an adult.

  Susie stared into Jason's eyes, but her kept looking away, he looked like he had seen a ghost. She grabbed his head, and forced him to look at her, but he still adverted his eyes. Eventually, he decided to take a peek into her doe eyes, but instead he got sucked into a black hole. The images were drained from his head, but the haunting feeling stayed.

"He's fine," Susie hissed.

"But it's gonna' take a few months to stop 'that thing' from following him," She pointed to the dark aura that was looming over him.

"Oh, that'll be an easy fix, thanks," You gave out a sigh of relief.

  You had him back, but he didn't act like he normally would. Jason still looked scared, but more of a cowardly scared, not the sort of scared you saw him have before. Before, he seemed a bit like you, paranoid. Now, he looked oddly cute in your eyes.

  You thought you must protect him from everything as well. It was now your time to give your frightened boyfriend the affection you have never given him, it used to just be you giving him little things like hugs and smiles. Everyone thought you guys were just friends, and you wanted to keep it that way, so you could focus on Susie, but you both had gotten close enough to start the process.

  Every time he had still somehow gotten close enough, your body would feel warmer, and your chest would feel odd. You get a similar feeling when sad or embarrassed, but that was more of a hole than an odd pressure. You wanted Jason to feel the same way, so you were going to do nearly-anything for him.

  You got closer, and hugged him closely, he was extremely warm compared to your literally-soulless body. His breathing got faster, as he warmed up even more. You could feel the shadow's body quickly disappear and get sucked up into your own.

"W-Why are you acting so kind to me now, you're usually pretty distant," Jason mumbled into your chest.

  A hole formed in your chest as he said those words, the feeling made you want to fill your lungs with dirt until it went away. It always followed you since  middle-school. You hated it.

"I don't want you to feel uncared for anymore; you looked so vulnerable. I realized that I must keep you as close as my sister; I must protect the two that fill the hole in my chest," You ranted on and on. It was true, you hadn't felt the small hole since he first showed true affection towards you.

"I just realized that I might go clawing away at my insides if you leave me willingly," You finished your rant. You let out a long huff after your mini speech.

  Jason smiled at you, and chuckled,   "Goddamnit, you didn't have to explain everything! An 'I love You' is fine!"

  Your heart thumped loudly; you had to say it truthfully, unlike to everyone else. You sat behind him, and wrapped your legs around his waist. You whispered,"I love you too~"

  He blushed, but cold chills went down his spine, and he retreated into your body. Some of the thing must've gotten into him, but it was fine. You felt this would be a nice few months.

  You moved to the side, and slid into the blankets to go to sleep. Your arms wrapped around his tense body, and caressed his sides. You had no idea what you were doing, but you felt as if you were doing it wrong, so you did as you usually did when your sister woke up in 'space.'

  You kissed his forehead, and whispered confirmations of safety. Your sweet voice, and gentle touches, quickly lured him into a deep sleep. Before he could fall asleep, he jolted up, and looked around almost as if he saw something walk past.

"(M/N), am I crazy!?" he cried out.

"It's fine, I saw it too... it can't hurt you when I'm with you. It'll learn to live with you," You reassured him. 

  He only snuggled closer, and trembled. Jason wasn't used to our family, but he'll learn to tolerate them. One day they'll leave him alone. You looked down at his finally-sleeping form, and smiled. Anyone could now see this'll end up happier, unlike the with the others.

In the end, the lovers went to sleep, while cuddling closely together, while Susie stayed up all night, screeching at her tablet.

This isn't exactly on time, but at least it's not being published during the weekdays when I have school the next day. Haha...

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