Twenty-One: In Too Deep

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Once they help got the others up as quietly as possible, Rose pointed to the hatch, wondering whose going first. Rey stepped forward, volunteering of course since she prepared for this moment before they took off from that desert planet the Resistance occupied. But Finn gripped her elbow with his hand, stopping her from going.

Rey whipped her head around and her face said it all. What in hell are you doing?

Finn pulled her to him, but Rey didn't hesitate to yank her arm out of his grasp. "You're just going to go around the guards to look for him?" He whispered, wondering if she's still all there.

"Yes," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I can manage to adapt to my surroundings thank you very much."

"This is the First Order we're talking about," he warned her.

"I know that, Finn."

"Just please be careful," he told her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I will."

"We'll see you soon," Rose said, nodding her off.

Rey nodded back, glancing at everyone just once more before she started to take off. She slowly planted one foot in front of the other, crouching down at the top of the hatch to get a glimpse of her surroundings. So far, it's just two Stormtroopers guarding the front of the hatch. How odd? They know they're there but they only left a couple of guards. Rey lifted two fingers and then dropped them in a swift down motion and the two Stormtroopers collapsed.

Rey stood up, knowing she couldn't go out like she had planned. It was time for Rey to use all her Jedi training for this moment. She reached her hand out and closed her eyes, searching for what was causing goosebumps to appear down her arms. She felt something. A warning. There was something bad waiting for her ahead. They were planning something for her arrival.

A trap.

They must be trying purposely to draw her out just to get her away from Ben. But how would they know she'd be looking for him.

Out of frustration, Rey slapped her hand against the wall. She knew it was too easy to think she'd could just slip inside around enemy lines. Rey turned around, seeing the others standing around watching her return.

"That was quick," Finn muttered.

"What happened?" Rose asked Rey, crossing her arms.

Bleep. Bloop.

Rey looked down at R2 and nodded at the droid. "That's right," she said, "plans have changed."

"What happened to your plan?" Finn asked, placing his hands on his hips in pride.

"Circumstances," Rey said, shrugging her shoulders.

Chewie growled and Rey sucked her teeth in dismay. "No, I'm not improvising."

"Looks like it," Rose mumbled.

"I just think my idea was far too simple than I realized."

"I told you you were gonna get us killed," Finn boasted.

"I haven't," Rey replied, "yet."

"Well, does anyone have any ideas?" Rose asked.

Equilibrium (Reylo)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ