Chapter 7: Welcome to Beacon

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[island of patch]

[Monday 6:03 AM]

I had all my things packed, including my armour and that plate of my mom's cookies I discovered yesterday. I still don't know where they came from or why they were so fresh, but I didn't wanna question it. When life gives ya lemons, I guess.

I looked back at Tai and Yang, who were both standing there. Ruby had gone to explore Vale for the day. I smiled at them and walked over to them, without warning and catching them off guard I reached up, hugging them.

"You three, including those who are not present, are like a family to me..." I started, Tai smiled down at me and I think I saw a tear in Yang's eye. And I already knew Ruby would have been bawling her eyes out if she were here.

Yang and Tai returned the hug as Tai spoke up.

"and we think of you as family too." He responded on behalf of his daughters and himself, because Yang was already tearing up, but then I heard a chuckle.

"Drake...?" Yang asked and I looked up at her questionably.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow, I graduated from signal." she informed. This sudden announcement dropped on me like a nova bomb and my jaw dropped, I forgot that Yang was nearly eighteen and was going to beacon as well. Tai released the hug but Yang didn't instead she lifted me up off my feet a bit and whispered in my ear.

"see ya soon, big bro." she said, showing she felt as if she was my sister. A smile grew across my face and tears were in my eyes.

"Ahem" Ozpin cleared his throat behind me as he gestured his head to the bullhead behind him.

"Drake, we don't want to be late." He urged me, causing Yang to just drop me. I fell on my 'rear' and groaned in pain.

"warn me... Next time." I groaned as I pointed up at Yang, who rolled her eyes and helped me up and Tai gave me a friendly shove towards the Bullhead. "Don't forget to write every now and then!" Tai called out to me as I waved back to them one last time before I boarded the bullhead with Ozpin. The door slowly closed with a loud HISS...

(Timeskip brought to you by a plate of chocolate chip cookies appearing at the rose-Xiao Long residence, and Tai is holding the sides of his head yelling "HOW!" While a white cloaked ghost giggled around the corner silently)

We were half way to Beacon when i finally brought up the topic, a topic i thought I'd never speak of. "Professor?" I asked him. Ozpin looked over to me from where he sat across from me. "Please, call me Ozpin, I'm not your headmaster yet." He insisted and I nodded in response, clasping my hands between my legs.

"Oz, what's your opinion... On the supernatural?" I asked in curiosity. He leaned back with a raised brow.

"Please elaborate." He urged me... Taking a deep breath and letting it out. I looked him in the eyes.

"I mean the paranormal, the unexplained... Ghosts..." I explained to him in a negative tone...

"well, I'm the sort that would believe in fairy tales... So why note give spirits a chance?" He confessed, causing me to perk up a bit.

"Why do you ask?" Ozpin questions me in response as I freeze up. I pulled out the bag of cookies i had and begun to explain.

"Because I woke up yesterday to find these on the counter... They were my mom's secret recipe and I was alone in the house." I confessed, fidgeting with my fingers as Ozpin leaned back and begun to explain.

"Well that could explain fluctuations in your aura." He pondered, causing my worry to grow again as I tried to stand but couldn't.

"Oz, what do you mean?" I asked and Ozpin looked me in the eyes.

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