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Youngjae didn't know the whys and the hows their relationship turned out like this. Like this, like right now where Youngjae is lying on his bed and his phone on his hand waiting for a Jaebum's texts.

Before, Jaebum was always the first one to send a message and they'd talk all day as if they can't let a second pass by without knowing what the other is up to, however now, they go on days without even a single hi.

Before, they'd see each other almost every night of every week, however now, Jaebum barely has time to spare to drive the miles to Youngjae.

Before, Jaebum would have this spark in his eyes when he looks at Youngjae, now, Youngjae couldn't see it anymore and he's scared. Jaebum was the one who protected him and kept him from his fears, reassured him things will be alright, now he's not even sure who the person he's with he calls Jaebum.

Before Jaebum will always tell Youngjae how important he is to him and how much he loves the younger boy, but now, he rarely says I love you back.

Youngjae didn't know when their relationship came to be like this, he didn't know why and how it became like this but he couldn't care less. He missed Jaebum a lot and it hurts.

He opened his phone and started typing a message. It was a simple hi and Youngjae remembered the first time he was the first one to send Jaebum a text, how excited and happy Jaebum was that he even called Youngjae just to make the younger feel his excitement and happiness. It was a small action and Youngjae regretted how it'll only be a wonderful memory since he doubted it'll happen again.

He sent the message not really expecting a reply. Their conversation, I'm not sure if you can call it a conversation since there's barely a reply from Jaebum and when he does it's short and the conversation ends as if it never happened.

Youngjae scrolled through their messages, reminiscing of the past when suddenly he was brought to their recent messages. Jaebum replied.

We need to talk

Youngjae felt shivers down his spine and before he could feel the tears in his eyes, it fell and as if like waterfalls it continued to fall never ending, never stopping. Youngjae didn't want to talk because he knew, he knew it'll be their last.

He didn't reply and Jaebum never really came nor bothered texting Youngjae again.

It was at Bambam's birthday party when the two of them met. They weren't expecting to see each other since they haven't been talking for quite some time. Youngjae didn't expect to see Jaebum here since he knew only Jackson and Jinyoung are friends with him and it's very unlikely to meet the other here. Apparently life hated him, and he just had to see Jaebum, of all people, at the party.

No one amongst their mutual friends really knew about the two of them, except Jackson and surprisingly Jackson didn't go around telling people about the Jaebum and Youngjae. So at the party, only Jackson was able to notice that there's something going on between the two when he saw the way Youngjae avoided Jaebum when they accidentally bumped into each other, so he came to Youngjae to ask.

"Youngjae," Jackson called out to him.

"Hey what's up," Youngjae said as if nothing's wrong but Jackson knew better.

"I have something to talk to you about, let's go outside," Jackson said and Youngjae followed him, he didn't want to be inside that house after all.

"So you and JB? Are you still, like, together?" Jackson asked.

Youngjae was stunned by his question, he didn't even know the answer himself. If Jackson asked this a bit earlier, he would've confidently and proudly know the answer but that's not the case now.

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