She rolls her eyes, places a hand on her thigh and says, "Always with the drama. Come on now, it's show time." She slaps her thigh twice for emphasis.

Begrudgingly, I stand up from my chair and reach down for the bag, open the zipper and peek inside.

"You didn't." I say, disbelievingly.

Justine laughs maniacally.

I look at my friend, not in the least bit surprised at her perfect planning. "I was wrong before, this is more than pure torture, you're just down right evil."

"No, I'm just up to the challenge, and I believe in authenticity."

"Touché." I mutter, as things couldn't be more authentic than what she has planned for my grand performance.


Half an hour later, and I've stretched time as long as possible and there's no ignoring what has to be done.

I groan aloud, "I can't believe you're doing this to me." I say with some difficulty, whilst staring back at my altered image in the ladies bathroom mirror.

Justine gives me a look of impatience as she leans against the wall to my left, "Hey, we had a deal, and if it were me in your shoes you'd be showing me no mercy."

She's absolutely right, I'd be keeled over laughing, enjoying every moment of it. I would have pulled out all of the stops too, we are very much alike in that way.

I sigh loudly, "Alright, alright. Let's get this done then." I say, flicking the lock back to open on the door.

As soon as my foot touches the thin dark carpet of the office floor, a ruckus starts up. Laughter, cheering, hoots and hollers. Ugh. This is going to be so terrible.

"What's with all the noise?" I hear Peter say from across the room, I look his way and find his mouth agape.

I raise my arms to give a proper show of myself, twirling on the spot to emphasise the joke of it.

The laughter increases.

"Oh, this is gonna be so good." Justine mutters from beside me.

I gnash my teeth together, "You better believe it."

Peter quickly makes his way over to us, "You look..." He pauses, grasping for the right term.

"Fucking ridiculous." I grind out.

He breaks into a smile, "Exactly. What's the plan?" He asks, the smile on his face growing by the second and I have to hold myself back from biting his face in utter agitation.

Cool it, Danica. It's just some fun. That's all.

I exhale through my nose, "I've got a show to put on." I glance at Justine, who stands proudly by my side, beaming and equipped with an old boom box. Where she got it, I've got no clue. The woman is pure evil.

Bloody torture.
I'm one to talk. I almost scoff at myself.

"Can we just get this over with?" I ask.

Justine giggles and bounces once on the spot, "Okay, lets go!"

It takes us only a couple of dreaded minutes to get to the ground floor, the masses from the office hot on our heels as we made the decent.

This is going to be quite a crowd. Fucking yay. I feel like I'm going to be sick from all of the people who are going to see this. I'll be the talk of the office for weeks, at the least.

Deadly Discern - Book Three  ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें