f i v e

707 33 20

edited 04-29-15


Once they arrived, Luke shook Ashton gently awake and letting the boy stretch a bit before getting up off their seats and making their way slowly down the bus. The bus driver closed the door behind them and drove away, leaving the two boys to themselves.

"So where to Ash?" Ashton just tugged on his Nirvana shirt and dragged him along, Luke letting him do so. Ashton was still yawning when they turned a corner and walked a few more blocks before stopping outside of dirty white building.

It wasn't a new one, with paint peeling off the walls and some stains probably from the rain, water leaking off the roof and between the thinning cement of the walls.

They walked inside, Ashton just smiling at the doorman, popping out his deep dimples. The doorman, Eric, was a middle-aged man, maybe around 29 and fit for his age. He wasn't too thin or fat, just about the right size and had a smile that made his eyes appear like lines on his face. He had happy eyes and the right attitude for welcoming people in.

He gave Ashton a confused look, looking at Luke but smiled anyways, his gaze following the boy as they entered the elevator with Luke staring back. Once inside, Ashton closed his eyes yet again, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"Hey Ash"

"Hmm?" Ashton responded, eyes still closed and a hand still clinging on Luke's shirt.

"What floor?"

"Oh..Third one" Ashton swayed side to side as the elevator traveled up the bulding, kind of like a smooth, swift ride up. It made Luke a bit dizzy but decided he could handle it and just pushed the feeling aside.

As the elevator door opened, Luke walked out, of course bringing Ashton with him and stopping just outside. "Please stop sleepwalking and shit and tell me where you live in."

The smaller boy opened one eye and looked around. "And by the way what made you so sleepy huh?" Ashton just yawned yet again and started walking with Luke following close behind. "Maybe you did drug that egg you fed me."

The response made Luke choke and cough, clearing his throat and mocking a shocked look on his face, placing a hand over his chest. "I did not." Meanwhile Ashton was turning to look at every door's number, trying to find his. "Ah here we are."

Ashton stopped at a poorly brown painted door, with the numbers "259" loosely nailed on it, the number "2" almost falling off. He reached for the doorknob finding it open, pushed the door all the way in, letting a rush of music coming from a stereo hit their ears.

"Calum i.." Ashton said as he stepped in avoiding pieces of clothing strewn on the floor, some Chinese take out cartons and a bunch of other stuff you find on a typical 18 year old boy's floor.

His current sleepiness was washed away as he invited Luke in, clearing the couch, making him sit and wait until he comes back.

"Um Luke can you.. um just wait here. I'm sorry." Luke just nodded in approval, taking a look around the apartment. It wasn't that big but just enough for two or three people in. The walls were painted an already faded blue, some parts already peeling off and to Luke's own conclusion pretty much the whole of the building's paint was peeling off.

There were three doors on the other side which he assumed was a bathroom and one of those rooms belonged to Ashton and the other one to that Calum guy. There was a TV and a stereo which was recently playing Knee Socks by the Artic Monkeys a bit too loud Luke could swear it could be heard 3 rooms away.

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