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"Oh, Connor, she's here!" Evan called to his boyfriend. He opened the door to reveal Eliza, who was wearing teal sweater with a black skirt.

"Hi," Evan greeted and let Eliza inside the small house. "Hi, Evan," She smiled. Connor walked into the room, waving nonchalantly at Eliza.

"Connor, this is Eliza, she's from work. Eliza, this is my boyfriend,"

"I know, we told each other our life stories," Evan giggled. "Oh, yeah. Anyway, I was thinking we could go get ice cream. Is that okay?" Connor and Eliza nodded.

"Sure," They gathered their things, and started to drive.

"The say times are hard for dreamers, but they aren't hard for me!" Eliza sang, hitting the notes perfectly. Connor looked through the musical playlist Evan had made, not wanting to listen to whatever this song was.

"Wait, I have a good one!" Connor called and put it on. Freeze Your Brain started to play, and Eliza and Connor shared a knowing look. Evan hadn't heard much of Heathers, so they were going to scream the lyrics.

"Freeze your brain!" Connor shouted, causing Evan to yelp. "Connor! Don't do that!" The blond haired boy scolded. Suddenly, Eliza started screaming the lyrics.

"Who needs cocaine?" Evan helped yet again.

"Is this song about smoking drugs?" This just caused more laughter.

"Oh my god," Eliza wheezed. "Smoking drugs!" A scream cut off the laughter, and Eliza felt the car spin out of control.

They didn't get to have their ice cream.

What the fuck is this shit
I'm in my period and I'm moody sorry. Anyway here's some slight angst no one asked for

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