Interview #10 @aggie23FF

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1 what's your favorite aspect of Wattpad?

The people. I've met the most wonderful readers and writers here on Wattpad. They have been wonderful and supportive and everything I expected them to be.

2 what's one Wattpad goal?

My Wattpad goal? Mainly to have my words published and open for (constructive) criticism. I want to publish my books someday and I think Wattpad audience is kind and honest when it comes to feedback.

3 what's a piece of advice you'd give a newcomer?

Patience. I know it sounds stupid and even frustrating, but you must be patient. I know very few people who have gain readers and success overnight. You must interact with people, give feedback and mostly, be kind. Treat others the same way you expect people to treat you.

4 what's your favorite author outside Wattpad?

Jane Austen, of course! But I've read a lot of Jojo Moyes lately and Delphine de Vigan as well. Two brilliant authors.

5 what's your favorite song? Who's the artist?

I don't have a favorite song what so ever. I don't even have a favorite band. I listen to Lana Del Rey, Churches, Arctic Monkeys, David Bowie, and many others I don't recall now.

6 what's your dream vacation?

Every vacation I take turns out to be an exhausting trip for me. I like going to new places and living like a local, meeting new people and doing everything I can. So that'd be my dream vacation, to squeeze every single moment and just enjoy and live and try new things.

7 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I think it'd be Eva Green. I'd spend a day being 'homey', cooking, drinking wine and talking about books and life experiences.

8 what's your favorite movie?

Ugh, that's a tough one. I do like many movies. Now, I can think of The Hours (that moves touches something very deep and dark in me), and I also LOVE Cinema Paradiso.

9 are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follower or piece of feedback?

Of course, I am: D and I'm deeply grateful for every single one of them

10 do you have any other creative outlets?

Besides writing? I do love baking.

11 what inspired you to write?

I don't know really. I guess I've always been a very imaginative person. I loved stories since I was a little girl and, one day, I started creating them. When I reached a certain age, I thought I could start writing them down and now here I am.

Request time!

I have a few recommendations here on Wattpad. I'm currently reading Local Flavor by mmmartin10 and La Vie en Rose by SaraGeorge89.

If you visit my profile, you'll find some of the many awesome books I've read here :)

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