Chapter 1

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"Theodora, its time to go, get dressed and meet Jane downstairs," my older sister, Jenisis says.

"Thankyou Jenisis," i unwrap myself from the covers on my bed. I yawn and take a cold shower. I don't know why but a cold shower is way netter than a warm or hot one. I dry my hair once im done and get ready.


Hair and makeup

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Hair and makeup

I grab a bottle of water and grab my bag

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I grab a bottle of water and grab my bag. I head downstairs and see Jane.

"Are you ready?"


"Lets go then. Ill drop you at the front entrance then take your stuff to your dorm, which you'll share with Rinya, the princess of Darkness. And don't worry I know her mother and she is literally the sweetest thing every once you get to know her."

We go to the car and get in. All my stuff is in another car behind us. "Stolen Innocence" comes on and i start singing. I have a singing, rapping, and dance class at Royal Academy. We pull up and I give Jane a quick before getting out of the car and walking towards the front entrance.

Everbody stares at me, especially a group of about four girls and five boys. I think 2 of the girls and 2 boys are Wolves. 1 girl and 1 of the boys are Phoenix, I think Fire Phoenix. The 2 other boys and the girl seem like the 3 Dark Siblings.

"Am I that interesting," I ask, feeling my ears, tail, and wings appear. "Damn." I hear gasps of fear and awe. I fully shift and run into the woods near the academy.

 I fully shift and run into the woods near the academy

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"Theo," I hear someone call after me. I freeze immediately after hearing that voice. Its my older brother, James. I shift back into my human form, my clothes weren't ripped when i shifted.

"Where have you been Jammy," i ask. My breath is uneven and its getting harder to breath.

"I had to leave because of father and mother. They didn't like that I was gay. And i found my mate," James states before wrapping me in his arms.

"What happened to our mate," I heard a female and male voice say at the same time.

"Are you guys twins?"

"Yes," the girl says, "Im Lilix and this is my brother Radgent." They both had black hair and tan skin. The girl was around 5'7 and had blue eyes. The boy was around 6'7 and had green eyes.

"Im Theodora and this is my big brother James. But may I ask something?"

"Hmm-hmm," Lilix replies in a happy tone. Radgent nods his head, smiling.

"Why do I have twins mates, a boy and a girl?"

Cliff hanger don don don.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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