"I'm going to get some food, would you like some?" I ask him with a bright smile.

"Yeah, get me whatever. I'll literally eat anything." He says sitting up to refill his cup.

I stood up and left to find us some snacks, wondering around the halls of the inn we were staying at.

"Hello, miss Catya." A voice perked up behind me.

Spinning on my heel I come face to face with the priestess girl from yesterday.

"Oh! Um hello." I say to her with a nervous smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She said waving her arms in front of her.

"No, you're fine!" I say with a bright smile.

"Are you lost?"

"I'm on the hunt for snacks!" My smile widening.

"Oh! I have some I can give you. Just follow me!" The priestess says taking a hold of my hand.

I eagerly followed her. If I get a good snack that he likes Bankotsu will be pleased with me! Nothing makes me happier than when he tells me that I did a good job and gives me a pat on the head!

She led me to the back portion of the inn and out a back door. My happy smile quickly faded as I came face to face with none other than Ouni, and he wasn't alone. Ten other men were behind him, all of them with scary smiles on their faces.

"W-what's going on...?" I say quietly.

"Now now Catya, lets not throw a fit. We can do this the easy way or hard way." He says with a smirk.

The priestess quickly made her way to the group of men, flinging herself into the arms of one of the men behind Ouni.

She smirked at me.


I furrowed my bows and clutched my fist as black lightening started to erupt in my hand.

Why didn't I see this coming? That fucking priestess, I didn't even tell her my name but she knew it! Damn it!

Glancing up I lock eyes with Ouni as my pupils went into slits.

"The hard way it is." He says.


Bankotsu POV:

"What the hell is taking her so long?" I mumble to myself.

Catya's been gone for almost 45 minutes.
  This inn isn't a small place so naturally I guess she got lost.

I sighed and stood up to go look for her. Looking back at Banryu, I decided to leave it there by the porch as I went to go find that girl.

"Catya! Where the fuck are you?" I yell out with annoyance written all over my face.

"Hello, Bankotsu."

I look up to see that brunette chick from the other night.
Fuck, what was her name?

"My lord?" She spoke up snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, it's you." I say nonchalant.

I really wasn't interested in her. She was cute and had a great body I won't lie but the only girl I am interested in is probably lost with food shoved into her mouth humming like an airhead.

I turn to her and I lock eyes with her. She instantly blushes and steps a little closer.

"You haven't seen the lavender haired girl, have you?"

The Demon's EyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora