Now to Begin

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Recap: "I woke up in a different bed. It wasn't the one in the infirmary and I looked over and saw Alex. Her arms were wrapped around me and it looked like she was smiling before she fell asleep. Finally I'm back. I smiled into her shoulder and drifted back off to sleep."

All around me was darkness, pure evil feeling darkness. I sat in the heavy room with fear, the evilness was choking me and I couldn't breathe through the thick air. I laid there breathless on the hard floor and gave in.

Alex's POV

I was so happy when Jerry came back, his arm was wrapped in a white bandage and I didn't even want to hear what happened. The older man held Jerry bride style into the room and laid him beside me. The man didn't look at me, he just walked out and locked the door. As soon as there was no sign of the man I took Jerry into my arms. I missed him so, so much. We're finally reunited. I wanted to look at his cute sleeping face a bit longer, but I felt my eyes closing slower and slower until they didn't open again. I dreamt of me and Jerry's freedom. I don't know how long we've been here and I've been thinking about my parents. I never respected them, or realized how much they actually do for me. Now, I want them back like never before. I used to think my parents were the worst, they never seemed to get me what I wanted and I got furious. Now that I'm an adult I think I understand. I wonder... I noticed this game has brought us closer together.


I woke up and forgot most of the dream I had. It was about me and Jerry, that's all I remember. I looked over at Jerry and he was still sleeping. I began to sing my favorite song by Joel Faviere.

You talk a lot about me now

But I stay disconnected

I really really learned my lesson

You packed a punch that knocked me down

You used to leave me so damn breathle-

Jerry awoke and I felt embarrassed when he looked at me and began to laugh. I turned away with a bright red face and smirked.

"Not too bad." Is all he said in a half yawn tone. The familiar tone of the older man's foot steps came close to our door and I let out a sigh. I really am not looking forward to this. I'm actually quite surprised I'm not going crazy, if Jerry wasn't here is die. I killed a man and so did Jerry, I got stabbed and Jerry got tortured. Like what the hell?! This is a shitty time in my life. I remember when I was younger and my 'friends' used to count the longest lines on my palm and say, "you're going to have four children." And I would roll my eyes and turn away. Four children? Hell no. Now if I die here I won't even be able to have one. Gosh darn it. My thoughts got cut off by the sound of the older man unlocking and opening the door. Jerry sprung back up and gave the older man an evil glare, I just got Jerry onto his feet and followed the older man.

"Good, you guys are finally learning." The older man said in a soft voice. I really don't like is guy, I'm really not trying to get stabbed again. Why the hell would he do they anyways? I don't think I've been told. The older man stopped to all the other doors and the other players dreadfully walked out in front of us. They really reeked.


Jerry's POV

We sat in our seats, the other four players in front of us. Wow, did we really get this far with barely a scratch? I looked over to see the man that Alex stabbed, the little girl who's father I killed, and 2 older woman, maybe 37. I looked away from the girl and back at the older man who was not shutting the big door. There was a loud sound from the door and the older man placed on another clown mask. I looked over at Alex and rolled my eyes. What's up with psychos wearing clown masks? There was about five minutes of silence, or so it felt like before I heard the older man clear his throat.

"Eh em. So, you know the rules. A lot have passed and I'm glad to say that in this round 3 of you must die. Yes, three. However makes it to the top three will be lucky. I'll state the wonderful details after you survive. Good luck." The other four players looked extremely pissed and some exhausted. I was actually happy at the fact it won't be too difficult, but I still didn't want to kill. We have to, I have to. The older man stepped back indicating 'begin' and the familiar smile whipped across his face. I opened my Or Rather card and looked over to see what Alex got, they literally said the fucking same thing. 'Now it's time to choose, three players must die, you, you, or you.'  I sighed at the stupid rhyme and looked over at Alex, she looked at me too. She gave me a hug and a weak smile before rushing to the box of 'torturing tools' I followed. I was surprised to see that there were only knives in the box and I grabbed the longest one. Alex stepped back beside me and another player almost stabbed me. A freaken knife fight! It was the old man, I gave him a long stare and a quick sorry before stabbing him in his chest. Wasn't too difficult, but it was an instant regret. I looked down at the gray haired man and saw the pool of blood drain through his body. Tears began to roll down my face and I ran over to Alex to protect her.

Two more to go.

Ooh man. Jerry killed again?! Wow, will Jerry be able to protect Alex? Leave a comment. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy. Word count: 1044.

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