The Boss' Aggression

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ANY CHAPTER BEFORE 2016 IS UTTER TRASH. You are reading at your own risk. I will not be editing the first few chapters of the book, I will only be finishing this story•
Consider yourself warned.

The Bosses Aggression

Dante's P.O.V


I thought fear was something our mind had made up. I didn't think anything could frighten me, because I believed fear didn't exist... but man was I wrong. Today was my fathers burial...I didn't think this day would come so soon. I didn't think that the kind and loving man that he was would end up in a boxed prison.

A box where three gunshots ruined his beautiful face. A boxed prison where he has to spend the rest of eternity rotting and sleeping. I couldn't help the anger that was pumping free adrenaline to my body. I wanted so badly to know who did this to my father but more importantly why'd they do it? My father was a good man. A man of his word, and good to his family. His family which only consisted of me.

Now that he's gone, what the hell do I have left? I have nothing. I never knew my mother, my father never told me about her. I don't know about any aunts, uncles, cousins, or even grandparents. It was just always me and my father. Just me and him.

I couldn't complain, and I didn't. I wasn't sad to not have a mother...hell in fact I think with a motherly figure I wouldn't be the strong and independent women I am now. I can depend on my self and no one else. A mother would have tied me down and started talking about how I should settle down and have children, I wasn't ready for that. I don't even want kids, they cost money and they ain't cheap.

I sighed as they slowly placed my father into the ground...wondering why had his timing been Why did he have to die on my big day? I wanted so badly to weep and cry, because that was my last time ever seeing him, but I couldn't...I wasn't weak, I was strong. I had to be strong.

Now I have to be even stronger because I am not employed anywhere. Yes, you've figured it out. I have no job. But that was all suppose to change because I had an interview scheduled for next week. So, that gives me enough time to pull myself together.

One week later~

Today was the day. Today was that day. Today was-

I looked over at my vibrating phone as I stumbled over my sheets and reached over toward the night stand. When the phone was in my grasp I Slide off the alarm and hung off of my bed. I yawned as I positioned myself to sit on my knees and glance around as I scratched my hair, which was a mess by the way.

I yawned once more as I swung my left leg before my right onto the ground and tripped over the sheets that were still touching the floor. I groaned as I knew that my day was going to be a big mess. As I balanced myself, I grabbed hold of the nightstand and limped/walked to my bathroom. When I got in the bathroom I opened the closet door, and grabbed a yellow towel. Then after that I grabbed a rag.

I placed the items onto the counter as I walked back over toward the shower turning the water on. When the water was to my liking I stripped out of my oversized t-shirt and hopped right in. When I was in something felt weird. I patted all of my body until I was right below my sex line. I slowly looked down and realised that I was still wearing my panties. Sighing I took those off and threw them into the sink, because I didn't want my floor wet already.

After the nice long shower I just encountered I went to get dressed. Not really sure of how professional I should dress I just settled for some slim black pants and a white button up shirt. For my feet I decided to wear some black pumps that gave me about +4 inches to my height. I mean being 5'1 has it's displeasures. To complete the outfit I grabbed an plain black blazer and was done.

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