Chapter 12

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I catch up with Alvaro in a few seconds. "Alvaro wait." I call as I grab his arm. He shrugs my hand off his arm and keeps walking. He is angry.  "Alvaro please just listen to me." I beg him. He stops and looks at me. 

"I am listening. For how long or how well I can't say." Alvaro says. I nod in understanding. "We were getting along perfectly and now that we know what packs we are from makes a difference?" I say.

"It makes all of the difference. We can't be friends we are enemies!" Alvaro nearly shouted. Gently and as softly as I can speak I tell him "Alvaro we are not enemies it is an old and ancient feud between our packs that we could end!" I tell him.

He sighs. "We can't. We really just can't." He said. Although now it seems like he isn't as sure. "Alvaro members of your pack killed my parents and I am willing to give this a try. Think of all the lives we could save." I tell him.

"I can't. Honestly I just can't. You would do good to stay away from me." Alvaro tells me. He then walks away. "Alvaro I can't force you if this is what you truly want then okay." I say close to tears. I turn my back on him and walk back to my room as tears fall freely from my eyes. I just lost a friend.

Alvaro's POV:

 It breaks my heart pushing her away. Even after she saved me. The thing is she doesn't know the whole story of why we can't be close. She would get hurt. I make sure to keep walking without turning back.

If I look back and see her I might change my mind. If I see her I might end up going back and getting her hurt if not killed. She won't understand why I have to do this. Her whimpers follow me as I walk away from her and back to my own room. 

Thank goodness I don't have to share with anyone. If I did they would see the dark secret I carry with me and they would have to be killed. Walking over to the nearest wall I slam my fist into it and let out a cry of anguish. The first friend I make in years just had to be her. The one person I can't have anything to do with. 

I pace the room thinking. My neck prickles and I know they are watching. The blasted creatures are watching me with haunting eyes. Silently I promise myself I will kill every vampire who forced this on me. In a years' time, I can find my mate and nothing will keep me from her. I have to stay separated from Shadow to keep her safe. 

Glancing up at the ceiling I see three bats hanging there. These three have enslaved the Alpha's of my pack after one of my ancestors had been mated to one of them. When my ancestor died the vamp took over the pack and fakes let his mate's brother's descendants run the pack. They couldn't have any kids so they had to let them run the pack. 

The bats flutter to the ground as the sun sets and they turn into there more human-looking state. Their fangs and red eyes are hard to miss. "So Youngling Alvaro you pushed away from the Moonbeam pack's next Alpha?" The one in the middle asked. I steel myself and hide my emotions. "Yes I did. Just as you wanted I pushed them away." I said. 

The minute I can fight these vamps and kill them is the moment they're going under the ground.  Pushing my rage down I turn back to the task at hand. Staying alive throughout this encounter. "Very good. Soon we will have revenge on my mate. Soon the true Alpha line of the Moonbeam pack will be gone." The middle male vampire said with almost joy in his voice. 

My heart skips a beat and I can feel panic building inside me. Gathering up my courage I step forward. "I've done my part. Now hold up your part. You said no harm will come to the Last Heir." I said. The vampire smirked and smacked me. My body flew and I landed on the ground with a hard thud. 

Long lost instincts rear to life inside me. Generations of my family's spirits growl in anger at the treatment I am getting. My Alpha pride won't let me take this. I've shifted into my massive black and white wolf in seconds. I'm no longer in control of my own body. I lung forward and bite the vampire on the left in the shoulder. 

He will be dead within the minute. Werewolf saliva is deadly to vampires and there is no cure for them. The one in the middle lets out an enraged screech and the one beside him a female lunges at me as I just killed her mate. I bite her arm as she tries to choke me and she collapses next to her mate. 

I turn and find the last vampire standing there wide-eyed. He backs away and my body moves to follow him. I'm seeing through my eyes but it's like I'm in the back seat. I glance down and my paws are red. My paws are supposed to be black. Then I realize someone has taken over my body. 

"Your d-dead. This can't b-be happening." The vamp started shaking. The wolf growls loudly and stalks forward. Suddenly my body lunges forward and bites the vampire that has been causing my family so much pain for so many generations. "I'm sorry I took over your body and transformed you into my wolf." A voice says in my head. It's a male. "It's alright you killed those vamps." I say out loud. 

A nervous chuckle sounds in my head. "Yes but now that I have merged with you I can't undo it." The voice says.  I pale knowing what he means. "How long are we stuck together?" I ask him. A sigh sounds in my head. "Until you die. You should be able to shift into your wolf once I retreat to the back of your mind. My name is Blaze Glorysun." Blaze said. 

Shock went through me. Blaze Glorysun was the best fighter in all of the pack's history. Alive around 230 years ago. His spirit is now residing in my body. It's said he never found his mate and that he died when he was 16 of age to find her. 

My thoughts drift to Shadow. Her eyes tearing up even as she pretends everything is fine. I can already see the sadness in her eyes but I must still stay away from her. The pack would never accept our friendship. It's for her own protection that I will still act cold to her. 

"Your friend what pack is she from?" Blaze asks me. I frown as I walk around cleaning up my room. "You can hear my thoughts?" I think at him. He laughs a good laugh. "I'm one of the most powerful werewolves that ever lived. Of course I have some tricks." He said. I growl my frustration and lay down to sleep. With any luck when I wake up in the morning being stuck with him in my head will have been just a bad nightmare. 


Word Count: 1250

Here is the next chapter. I hope everyone liked it. I'm not so sure what's going to happen from here I'm just kinda improvising. 

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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