Chapter 2

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The Strawberry Fields were a beautiful place to be, especially for a daughter of Demeter. Every day, Katie would go down and talk to the plants. She says that it helps them grow. Some people say that she’s crazy, but she believes that it helps them to grow. Travis always teased her about it, ever since he found out. When she found out that Demeter was her mother she was thrilled, that is, until two certain Hermes brothers came along. At first, they were quite good friends. Katie was always quiet and it was nice to be around people more confident. But when they started to get older, they began to drift apart, and that was when the pranking started. At first it was just small things like witty remarks or just being annoying, but then he started to prank her.

At first, Katie didn’t really mind. She thought they were funny, and some of them were quite ingenious. But after a couple of months, it became clear that the pranks were not going to stop. After that, she made it quite clear to both Stoll brothers that, if they wanted to remain on her good side, they would lay off on the pranking. Of course, no such thing happened.

Some afternoons, Katie would just sit in the Strawberry Fields and cry. Cry because of Travis Stoll and because of her newly dyed green hair. (She did get Travis back for that one though; the Stolls looked like clowns for a week. After that, they knew never to mess with the Aphrodite cabin and their permanent make-up). That was her special place. Often, she would just sit there and cry, or think, or laugh.

This particular evening was a whole week after she kissed Travis. She, once again, was sitting in the Strawberry Fields, talking to the plants. Katie thought herself lucky; no-one else knew but Travis and herself, and for that she was thankful.

Katie heard the conch shell horn in the distance, followed by the sounds of chatter of the other campers. Katie was never with them; she preferred to be alone. Annabeth was one of her closer friends, along with her other siblings, but apart from that, she liked to keep to herself. She has slowly become more confident; she talked with Lou Ellen sometimes, and Annabeth was always willing to talk (but she was always around Percy these days, Katie was counting down the days until they became a couple. They were the most oblivious two people in the world).

Slowly, she dusted herself off, said goodbye to the strawberries (she swore that they grew a little bit) and made her way down to join the other campers. One thing she didn’t notice though, was Travis Stoll walking up behind her.

“Hiya Katie-Kat,” Travis said, causing Katie to jump. Her expression quickly changed from shock to displeasure. Travis’ blue eyes were gleaming, obviously pleased that he scared her. Some people never change.

“What do you want Stoll?” Katie replied, her face showing no emotion.

“Ooh, on last name terms are we now, Gardner?” he asked as they made their way to the Dining Pavilion.

“Apparently so,” Katie replied as she quickened her pace, trying to get rid of the parasite commonly known as Travis Stoll. Clouds began to form overhead, threatening with the promise of a storm. Zeus must either be arguing with Hera again. Either that or he’s in his hot-tub.

“Not so fast now,” he said as he jogged to catch up with her. “I have the feeling you’ve been avoiding me.”

This was true. Ever since their sparring match in the arena, Katie had avoided any contact of any kind with the Stoll brothers. It was convenient that they hadn’t pranked her since the ‘Chocolate Bunnies on the Demeter Cabin Roof’ incident. But, Katie knew that she had to face him one day or another.

“What makes you think that?” she asked sarcastically. She had purposely made it clear that she didn’t want to talk to him. She would leave if he entered a room, glare at him if he grinned at her and wouldn’t give him a second glance if they crossed paths.

“You’re not even talking to me!” Travis exclaimed. Thunder clapped over their heads, causing them both to jump. Yep, it’s definitely the arguing. Katie thought, rolling her eyes, Can’t the gods give it a rest? As if to prove her wrong, at that moment, it began to rain. “Look, I know you don’t really like me, but don’t give me the silent treatment!”

Katie was getting really irritated now. Can’t he just leave me alone? “Look, do you want something or not, because I would really prefer it if you didn’t.”

Now Travis was annoyed. “I just came over here to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with me as an apology for whatever I’ve done this time. No need to be so snappy.”

“Me? Go out with you? What planet are you from?” Katie retorted, her voice rising. As soon as she said it, she instantly regretted it. In truth, she actually felt a bit guilty about turning down Travis, especially when she saw his hurt expression.

“Oh great, now I’m not good enough for you?” Travis asked, his voice rose to the brink of shouting. Everyone else was already inside the Dining Pavilion, unaware of the argument taking place not two-hundred yards away.

“I never said that,” Katie snapped, turning away. At this point, they were both soaked to the skin, but neither of them had any intention of backing down from their argument.

“So you will go out with me?” Travis asked. He was confused. She wouldn’t go out with him but he’s good enough for her?

“Ha,” Katie laughed, short and humourless. She grabbed the front of Travis’ shirt and glared at him. “I’ll go out with you when pigs fly.” She let go of him and said “And you can hold me to that.”

“Oh, believe me, I will,” Travis retorted.

 Katie nodded curtly and glared at him one last time before turning in the opposite direction. She walked away from the Dining Pavilion, her appetite suddenly waning. Shivering madly, Katie made her way to the Strawberry Field once again, but not before looking back at Travis who was sitting down at the Hermes table next to Connor. She stared at him for what seemed like forever, but he didn’t look back once. 

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