Chapter 9: The Monster

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A/N: Hey guys, this is going to be the finale for the first part of this story. I'm sorry it's taken me a while to write it, I just didn't really know where I wanted the story to go. I hope you enjoy this  chapter and I'll start on the next chapter as soon as I can :)

You arrive back at the Byers house with everything you need. Once everything is out of the car and inside you start setting up a trap. Nancy and Jonathan have told you everything they know about the monster, like the fact that it sniffs out blood and that the lights in the house will flicker when it comes.

Once everything has been set up for the trap you all meet back in the living room. You go through the plan to make sure you all know what to do and then Jonathan hands you and Nancy a knife each and holds onto one for himself.

"You ready?" he then asks you both. You and Nancy nod although you can tell Nancy is scared as she is shaking slightly.

"Ok on three, One, two..." Jonathan starts counting but then stops, seeing Nancy close her eyes in fear.

"You don't have to do this, either do you," Jonathan says first to Nancy and then to you

"Jonathan stop talking," Nancy says

"I'm just saying you guys don't have to..." he says but you cut him off,

"Three," you say and you all slice into your hands.

"Ok, bandages, please," Nancy says not opening her eyes. You reach over to the couch and pick the roll up, pulling a piece off for each of you. You all bandage your hands up and then you take the roll back to the kitchen.

When you come back into the room, Nancy and Jonathan are sitting on the couch, quietly listening for any movement. There is a sudden creak in the floorboards and Nancy and Jonathan both look up.

"Did you hear that?" Nancy asks

"It's just the wind," Jonathan says. You watch them lock eyes with each other and you decide not to interrupt and just wait around in the kitchen for a bit longer. As you get back to the kitchen there is a sudden loud banging on the door, causing you to sprint back into the lounge room.

"What was that?" you say

"JONATHAN, ARE YOU THERE MAN? IT'S... IT'S STEVE, LISTEN I JUST WANT TO TALK" a voice yells out from behind the door.

"Who's Steve?" you say confused

"You have got to be kidding me," Nancy says getting up to open the door. She opens it up the tiniest bit and looks out.

"Steve listen to me..." She says

"Hey, Nancy, what...?" Steve says sounding confused.

"You need to leave," Nancy says

"I'm not trying to start anything, ok?" Steve says

"I don't care about that, you need to leave," Nancy says again

"No, no, no, listen I messed up, ok, I messed up, really, please?" Steve says banging the door a couple times. You see Nancy shake her head.
"I just want to make things right, ok? Please" Steve says again, not giving up. He suddenly stops talking.

"Hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" he asks Nancy and you see him grab her hand

"Nothing, nothing, it was an accident," Nancy says
"Yeah, what's going on?" Steve says
"Nothing," Nancy says. You see the door get pushed a little but Nancy tries to stop it.

"Wait a sec, did he do this to you," Steve says pushing through

"No, Steve," Nancy says but it's too late, he's inside. As soon as he sees you and Jonathan, the lights on the ceiling and the alphabet painting on the wall, he stops, looking around confused.

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