PART 12 : Blood Moon

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A/N: Sorry this took a long time. But I think I WOWED you guys. or at least I tried!


My eyes scanned the room seeing things in a whole other perspective.

"How do you like things?" Alexander kissed my forehead lightly.

Things are different. My vision is more clearer and sharper. My ears can pick up things two miles away.

"It's...different" I closed my eyes and let his lips consume me with kisses.

I don't weather to feel happy about this or sad. Sad because I know I'm deleted from the society of one. Happy? Well I'm added to another.

"You're mine. Anybody that comes near you and hurt you in any way will be punished." Alexander cupped my face and kissed me lightly on my lips.

This is defiantly a side of Alexander I've never saw before. And I'm wondering do I like it?

"Since you're a new Vampire now, your eyes will stay red for the next 3 months before they will return to your original eye color. Your thirst for blood will be excruciating for the next twenty-four hours so you'll have to hunt-"

"Hunt what?" I interrupted him and he sighed, angrily.

"Humans, of course."

"You really expect me to feed on humans?" my voice hitched as I rose up from his lap. That's out of the question. My red eyes squinted, trying to focus on him. Even though it was dark in the room, my red eyes could see Alexander's figure perfectly.

He smirked, "It's your nature now."

I was getting annoyed at that point. How the hell does he expect me to hunt a human, after being turned into a Vampire?

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "you'll have to get used to it sooner or later Luna, you're a Vampire now."

I sighed heavily trying to intake this all. First I get turned into a Vampire, and now I have to drink human blood. Great.

"I won't be hunting for a while.." my voice trailed off. My throat got parched quickly and I tried to hide it from Alexander. I can't tell I'm thirsty because he'll bring me back a human, and I just can't drink blood for a human.

"Very well" Alexander got up from the bed, "I have to talk to Gabrielle about this matter." He left but as soon as he opened the door he turned to me, "I know you'll hunt sooner than you think, darling."

I snarled at him as he closed the door, leaving me with a very bad craving for blood. I sighed as I laid on the bed. Since I'm not human anymore, sleep would be a waste of time. What do Vampire's do?

Imagines of Jessica flashed through my head. I became furious because there was nothing I could have done as a human to help her. But now...I can do anything I wanted because I'm a Vampire. I rose up from the bed and went into my walk in closet, searching a for a black cloak.

"Luna, it's dangerous."

I whipped around only to find the Princess staring at me with such concern and passion.

"I have to get her back," I found what I was looking for and threw it over my clothes I was wearing before. "You wouldn't understand."

"I'll have to tell Alexander" she disappeared and I snarled once again. I know she's looking out for my well being, but she doesn't have too now. I'm a Vampire.

I stormed out the room, not caring to even close my door. As I rushed through the several hallways trying to reach the main door, a force pulled me back.

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