Chapter 6

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I pretty much spend the day poring over a few contracts with our authors until lunch time. I go to diner across the street and spot Colin and Casey and walk over to them. At work, this is my group- me, Casey, her husband Colin and Ann. The waitress comes over and we just order our usual. It's been so long and yet I still don't know her name- and I try to correct that today.

"Thank you," I say when she puts down my regular plate of spaghetti with basil, chicken, and tomato in front of me. "What's your name?"

"Rose, ma'am".

"Well, two years and I finally get to know your name! Nice work, Rose!" She beams and after a quick question if we wanted anything else, she leaves. We have lunch at 12 and are pretty ravenous by that time, so as soon as our food arrives, we three dig into it. And it is delicious, as usual! I always have this same item on Mondays and Fridays when I don't bring my own food to work.

We're halfway through our food, finally slowed down, when I remember- "Hey guys, any idea about this man Ann wants to interview for the Sunday edition?"

"Oh yes!" Casey mutters. "She was saying something about it yesterday, he's her cousin supposedly. A long-distance one. And well, he's made some big deal and now he's in the oil business. That's all I know"


I suppose that's why she called me up to cover for her- maybe she's meeting this cousin today" I say.

"Well, I don't know about that, but I doubt" Colin chuckles. "I have a feeling she's meeting this secret boyfriend of hers"

Casey and I flash daggers at him. "She would have told us!" we say in unison.

"Fine!" he rolls his eyes. "Just saying!"

Soon after, we're done and after paying, we're off- back to work. I feel a bit dizzy as I sit down on my chair and start responding to some emails. Before long, I'm sleepy and fighting myself to just keep my eyes open. I shake myself and stare back at the screen- and do a double-take. I've typed utter rubbish in my sleepy state. Quickly I correct the errors and send the email.

Only half an hour- I tell myself as I rest my head on my folded arms on my worktop. The pounding in my head has increased and I sigh into my sleep.


I swap away the hand shaking me.

"Jen, wake up!"

I sit up groggily and look around. It takes me a few seconds but I come around and see the time on my Fliqlo screen- its 5.45 pm.

"Had a bad day?" Mrs. Bradford asks. She's ready to go home- she has her bag with her.

"I don't know Mrs. Bradford. I just wasn't feeling very well, and I thought I'd just rest for 30 minutes, but... I didn't mean to sleep on the job" I ramble, tensed.

"Well, it's the first I've caught you doing this" she winks. "But if you don't feel good you can always take the day off, you know? Or do you intend to be the most regular employee for the third consecutive year too?"

I blush and she laughs (well, it's true. I hate skipping work and besides, during the first year and a half- being busy kept me going; I would have given up otherwise).

We bid goodbye to each other and she leaves. Any remnants of sleep have been shaken off and I am back to my former self, so I decide to work on the pending emails. Halfway, my concentration wanders and I find myself thinking back to yesterday's events. Seeing David had been shocking, to say the least. I couldn't forget the way his eyes had flashed when he saw me- it was not surprising that he hated me still. For it had been my stupidity that had cost the life of a person dear to him. And he never forgave me for that. And I know he won't ever will, in the future either. What I did was abhorring and unspeakable. I still feel guilty for it.

God, I rub my eyes, careful not to smudge my liner. It's 7 and I finally decide to go home. I apparently am the last person in the office. I take the bus home- it's pointless taking my car out for a few blocks.

As soon as I step down from the bus, my phone rings- its Ashley's home phone. On instinct, I pick it up.

"Hey girl!" her chirpy voice comes on the other side.

"Hi, Ash"

"Coming over for dinner today?"

I mull it over.

"No, not tonight. I've got to do some work"

"Come on! You've never let that stop you before. What is it, be honest?"

I sigh. "I'm just not feeling well. I'll probably tuck in soon"

"Fine, fine. Take care, okay?"

"Goodnight" "Bye!'

I mechanically unlock the door, lock it behind me and move up the stairs. I need to relax tonight and prepare a bath for me- cinnamon flavored bath bombs. I go down to the kitchen again and make a strong glass of whiskey for myself- I'll need to drown my thoughts in liquor tonight. And so, there I am on a Monday night, soaking in my tub and drinking raw whiskey.

I must have fallen asleep because when I do get up from the tub, the water is cold and my skin has shriveled up. I walk, a bit dazed to the bed; I must be drunk, the thought crosses my mind as I flop down on my bed- naked and all wet, and promptly fall asleep. 


Another upload yay! 

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Another thing- I'm hosting a giveaway for my Indian followers, on account on my one year anniversary on Instagram. Do check it out!

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