Chapter 17

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Aaliyah's POV

Princeton pulled his car over into my drive way next to Prod's car. My heart was pounding, hoping that everything would turn out the way we plan. I was hoping for the best but thinking the worst, which was keeping me from getting out of the car.

"Everything will be alright." Princeton said grabbing my hand with a small grin.

I sighed deeply trying to relax myself. Then opened the car door and stepped out. I waited til Princeton drove away before going into the house to face Prodigy.

Princeton's POV

As I drove away from Aaliyah's house I pulled out my phone to call Erica.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

"I have some more milk for the bab-"

"Well bring it over here." She interrupted.

"I can't, my car is messed up."

"You always have some dumb ass excuse don't you?" Erica growled.

"I'm sorry okay, I'm getting Prod to look at it later on today."

"Fine. But I'm not coming to get the milk. I'll let Cynthia starve before I take the chance of letting Aaliyah or Prod seeing me."

"It's not the baby's fault that my car isn't working. Look I'll make sure Aaliyah and Prod are busy or gone before you get here."

"I'll just send Wanda."

"No, I want to see you." I spat.

She laughed.

"You wanna see me? What for?"

"I-I need someone to talk to.." I lied.

"Are you sure you need someone to talk to? Or someone to feel on?" She said in a flirty tone.

"Just someone to talk to. Don't flatter yourself you were a one time thing." I teased.

"Oh forreal? More like 5 time thing."

"I only remember 4."

"I'm on my way."

"Where's the baby?"

"Don't worry about her she's taken care of."


"I'm on my way." She said before hanging up.

"Crap." I said throwing my phone down and parking my car in my driveway.

I got out my car and ran inside the house and waited for Erica to come over.

Aaliyah's POV

I slowly opened the door to my house and it was silent. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the stair case where I saw a Prod standing at the top with suitcase in of his hand.

"Prod can we talk?" I said.

He began walking down the stairs.

"There's nothing left to talk about." He grunted.

I stood in front of him and the end of the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Get out of my way." He growled.

"Prod. Please talk to me." I begged.

He ignored me and looked up at the sealing.

"Baby please talk to me, let's just sit down and talk." I said grabbing his suitcase.

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