stick bitch

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"stick bitch." jinhwan commanded trying to make a sticky note stick to a large white pole right across junhoe and jinhwan old elementary school.

that was about the last sticky note jinhwan needed to put up in this area. the last area, actually.

"finally." jinhwan sighed wiping off the invisible "sweat" on his forehead.

it was time, time to tell junhoe his full story.

yes, junhoe and jinhwan had been best friends since grade 2 but junhoe didn't know everything. 

jinhwan got into his car and buckled up his seat belt, before putting his car in drive, he texted junhoe. then made his way to what would be junhoe's finally destination.

junhoe heard his phone buzz right after he got his clothes on, after his shower.
go outside of your house.

junhoe looked up from phone and immediately went to check what was outside. he saw a lot of colourful paper sticking to different objects.

the first one he saw was the one sticking to the tree in junhoes front yard he looked at it and read,

hey junhoe, i just wanted to say i cant live
anymore. and i just want you to learn the full
story of me and why i cant live anymore. so i
left you sticky notes around the city. follow
them around before they get snatched.
the last one you read i'll be there.

[a/n: in italics will always be jinhwans sticky notes.]

junhoe pocketed the sticky note in confusion and went to the next three, one on a fence, a driveway and a car.

as you already know i was raised with no
biological mom, only my step-mom and
abusive dad. yep, abusive dad. thats why i always
had scars on my body, why i wouldn't wear shorts
and tanks in summer but when i did. everyone
questioned, including you and i'd brush it off and change
the subject. it became a daily habit, practicing ways to
change the subject.

my dad would always threaten my step-mom,
my sister and i. being the only boy i always felt
the need to protect them and not let them get
hit. eventually, when i entered middle school for
grade 7 my step-mom finally got the courage to
call the police. and he was arrested 

and no more scars. i know you realized.

junhoe head faced a sorrowful look, he never knew, but it explained why he never went to jinhwans house.

sticky notes ¡ junhwan Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant